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Please please I am begging you guys please watch this and educate yourself- I am begging you right now that innocent peoples lives are at risk this is an ethnic cleansing and that's not right. And I don't need to tell you that please educate yourself about this- thanks a lot

I just made this so you guys can tell me if you guys want I can give a preview or something but I guess I will update Instagram more often...

Uh should I keep writing or noh I- anyways let's talk about Palestine...

Do you know what is going on in Palestine?
Do you know what is going on in China?
Do you know what is going on in Afghanistan?
Do you know what is going on in India?
And many more countries around the world?

If not please just stand up for them please do something share posts vids anything donate.. I honestly don't know what to do anymore-

You aren't human if you stand by them. If you chose to stay silent you have chosen the oppressors side. it breaks my heart,all those people who were standing up for Black Lives Matter- where are they now? HUH! Where are they all lives matter you can't just pick and choose it

For gods sake DO SOMETHING! Anything will help anyways this wasn't where I was expecting this to go but i needed to do something to feel that I haven't done everything.


How can you call yourselves human!?

I will be going now but please don't stop talking about Palestine

Thanks for reading-
Word count:- 301

I will take my leave now. Hope you have a nice day unless you didn't agree with what I said

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