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"Bye Alvaro, Bye Alejandro"I yelled while waving goodbye to the Two boys behind me

"Bye Matti" Alvaro yelled and smiled "Bye" Alejandro yelled and after I heard them I started to walk to my house

After I seen my house get closer I smiled and ran the rest of the way

I opened the door and ran in "hey Mattia How was school?" My mom asked and I looked up at her "It was great mom" I said and smiled widely

"That's good hunny" she said and I smiled the ran upstairs into my room

Finally the moment I've been waiting for all day, talking to Kairi

I shut my door and locked it or my brother will come in and try to talk to Kairi

I took off my shoes and I opened my laptop and logged in

As soon as it turned On I called Kairi and after a few rings he answered

"Hey baby" he said and I blushed "hey Kai" I said and smiled wildly at the boy on the screen

Me and him talked for awhile and I really Enjoyed talking to him

Me and Kairi met about a month ago on Instagram and we haven't stopped talking since then

I noticed he followed alot of girls and a matter of fact he only followed about 11 or 12 boys and he follows about 100 people

I got knocked out of my thoughts when Kairi called my name and I looked up

"Are you ok Baby you kinda zoned out there" he asked and I smiled "yea I'm fine" I said and be smiled

"Well Baby I gotta go I have stuff to do" Kairi said and I frowned "aw bubs dont be sad I'll call you tonight uh 9 sound ok?"he asked and I shook my head yea

"Ok bye Baby" he said and I smiled "bye Kai" I said and he hung up

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