Chapter one: Wedding and greeting

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    His eyes remind me of the first day I saw him. He was upon a horse, his starry blue eyes glittering in the sunlight. He was not happy at the sight of me in chains because I tried to run away from our marriage. My father was the one to put me in these chains to make sure that I would not run, and I was attached to two guards. I don't want to marry the man, not because I am in love with another, but I don't know what I want in a partner. I fear that this man might not be the best fit for me, but my father insists that he is the best fit for my disposition.
    Walking down the aisle, I keep my eye upon the man that I am marrying. I do not wish to look at my family out of fear. I did try to look at his family, but I only find the servants of the castle. I have no information on my soon-to-be husband, as I am to learn this information on my own. I can only guess that the family is dead by the way his servants are wearing blacks.
    Joining my fiance at the altar, we meet eyes for the first time since our first meeting. I can see deep-seated pain in his eyes as the priest begins to wed us. We don't have vows, so our ceremony goes quickly. Our kiss to seal our marriage is quick, as he gives a gentle peck on the lips. After that, he takes my hand and leads me out of the church. The light from the sun blinds me before being put into a carriage. My husband does not join me in the carriage. He stands on the step of the carriage and holds onto the handlebar as we move.
    The carriage ride is long, and we do not exchange words or glances the whole ride. When the carriage stops, my husband helps me out of it silently. As he leads me inside his large cottage, a young servant greets me and takes me to the room nearest the arboretum.
    "Master Webb has requested that you sleep in this room alone," The servant says with a gentle smile. "Your belongings are in the closet and the drawers of the desk.  On the desk, there is a list of rules that he has for you. Please read the list before exploring the cottage." With that, the servant leaves the room with a smile.
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    Rule one: A closed office door means no entry. If you wish to enter, knock on the door before and wait for permission to answer.
    Rule two: There are doors in the cottage that are locked, do not try to open them. The locked doors are that way for a reason.
    Rule three: Do not explore the cottage at night unless you have a servant join you. I understand that sometimes people cannot sleep at night.
    Rule four: You are allowed access to two rooms thought the day and night. The library and arboretum are those rooms. Keep the keys on the necklace and wear it. Keep the keys in your nightstand drawer.
    Rule five: We will meet for breakfast and dinner in the tearoom. Please join me for these things so we may become close.
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    Once I finish reading the list, I place it in a drawer of the desk. I then grab the keys from my nightstand and tie the ribbon they are attached to around my neck. As I tie the ribbon around my neck, I notice a vase of lavender standing in the window seal. It reminds me of how my mother used to place lavender in my room when I was sick or sad; she loved seeing me smile, even after her death. She made my lady's maid place lavender in my room until my eighteenth birthday, my wedding day.
    I close the curtains of the window to hide the vase of lavender. It brings back memories about my mother, my father, and my situation. In the dark of the room, I remove my wedding dress before laying down on the bed. The darkness feels welcome as depression comes over me. I begin to cry; as silence and the smell of lavender fills the room. I do not want to be in this situation, but it was inevitable, as my father needs the money from my husband to continue his livelihood. The darkness of the room and the darkness of sleep soon meld into one. I wake up to the sound of a servant knocking on my door before she enters; when she sees me sprawled across the bed, she lets out a small squeak.
    "I'm so sorry, Mistress, I did not know that you were indecent!" She says nervously. She looks at the floor as she shuts the door behind her. She is holding a dining dress in her hands and drapes it upon the desk chair. As she moves about the room, I notice that there is a dim light about the room. The light belongs to the lamps that hang across the room, but fire is not lighting these lights. Bulbs light the lamps. I'm not sure if he is trying to flaunt his wealth, but I can tell that I was married off to a very wealthy man. Electricity is only used by those who have the wealth to use it as it rare.
    "I know this seems awkward, but I have to dress you. I'm not sure how your family does things, but we are required to dress our guests." The servant says nervously. She looks through the closet for my undergarments. She helps me slip them on once she pulls them out of the closet.
    "I had a lady's maid, but she began to work for my sister after she became pregnant. I have not had one for three years, so I am used to dressing myself for formal occasions. But she didn't leave me in the dark. She taught me how to dress formally before being transferred to my sister." I say gently, letting the girl work.
    "Did you already dress in common clothing without her?" She asks gently
    "By my mother's request. It might seem odd, but it makes sense. My mother's family was wealthy, and my mother feared that he might squander his wealth. Which he did, hence this marriage."
    "Would you have not married Master Webb if your father's wealth was not  at stake?"
    I sigh as I think about this, "I don't know, but I definitely would not have married him without knowing him."
    "That makes sense, but I must assure you that Master Webb is not a bad man. He does understand that this was against your wishes. Hence, your sleeping in a separate room from him. Your room is also on the opposite side of the cottage from his own."
"That's good to know," I mutter as the servant finishes dressing me. She has me sit on the desk chair to fix my hair. She works with a quick grace as she braids my hair into a bun. She doesn't seem to want to harm me, and I see how nervous she is to be around me as her hands are shaking.
    When the servant girl finishes, she leaves the room, but she keeps the door open. I get up from the desk chair and go to shut the door. But I am stopped by my husband as he holds the door open.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2021 ⏰

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