chapter 2 - truth or dare

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"Quinn!?!" she said in absolute shock. she couldn't believe that Quinn was at her window, she'd never seen him this close, sure they go to school together but.. their faces were about 5 inches from each other, she took the time to admire his features, features she never knew he had, she then looked at his lips.. and her heartbeat was starting to pick up.. "well are you gonna let me in?" he said. "oh yeah! sorry. come in." she then backed up to give him room to climb in. "so.. uh.. why are you here again?" she was blushing like crazy and couldn't understand why, she never blushed around him before. he noticed this, and immediately thought she must've been hot or something. "I uh.. well I felt bad for blocking you... and well.. came over. hey, are you okay? you're pretty red right now." he said somewhat concerned "oh what? yeah I'm fine! it's a bit hot in here is all.." she lied. "seems cold in here to me." he said "okay well if you're going to complain just leave, Quinn." she said "you're gonna make me go home after all that?" he said. she started to remember why she didn't like him, he made an argument out of everything. "just- ugh whatever I'm going to get a water bottle" she said not wanting him to leave. "get me one too, would you? I'm exhausted" he said. "yeah whatever." she said tiptoeing out of the room to not wake her mom and her stepdad down the hall. once she got downstairs she was greeted by one of her cats, Hades. she kneeled down to pet him, then walked over to the kitchen. she opened her fridge and grabbed two water bottles and headed upstairs.

Once there, she was standing in the doorway of her room looking at Quinn sitting on the edge of the bed with molly, her other cat, in his arms. she stood there for a second, taking in the scene. then walked in the room to let her presence be known, she handed him a water bottle then sat next to him on the bed, a little too close.. an awkward silence filled the room, Lena's head was swarming with thoughts, she was still in shock that he was here, in her room. while Quinn wasn't looking, she took the time to look at him again, he had brown eyes and a few freckles, surprisingly long eyelashes and long dark brown hair, down to his shoulders. he caught her staring and she quickly looked away. "see something you like?" he said jokingly, she didn't take it as a joke though, she was flustered and had no idea what to say. "No- well I um- uh.. it's getting late you really should go.." she had resorted to her last option, which was telling him to leave, she didn't want him to go but she was too embarrassed to carry on with the night. "aw cmon don't be like that I just got here," he said feeling a bit disappointed. he actually didn't mind being there, it felt somewhat.. comforting. Lena would feel bad about kicking him out since he did just get there... and climbed all the way up to her window. "..fine you can stay. but I don't know what you expect us to do," she said. "we could... play a game?" he said. "okay.. like what?" she said suddenly intrigued. "how about... truth or dare?" he said with a slight smirk on his face. Lena's face went back to red again, feeling flustered, nonetheless, she agreed to play.

They were sitting face to face on the bed with their legs crossed . "okay, so who's going first?" he said. "I will, alright uh truth or dare?" she asked. "dare." he said with confidence. "alright, I dare you to... let me go through your phone for 1 whole minute." she said while smirking, "what!?!? cmon man that's a total invasion of privacy." he said not wanting to hand his phone over. "what are you.. chicken?" she said with an even wider smirk, almost a smile at this point. "of course not!" he said with a tint of pink on his cheeks, feeling embarrassed. "fine here. just take it." he said handing his phone over to her. her eyes widened while taking the phone from his hand, surprised that he actually trusted her with it. "I wouldn't suggest going through my camera roll, you might find... some things in there." he said with a smirk on his face. "what?!? ew gross!" "I'm kidding," he said laughing. she rolled her eyes and opened the phone, "no passcode? weird." she thought to herself. the first thing she did was go to Snapchat to unblock herself, but she noticed he had already unblocked her, she smiled to herself. she then decided to go to his snaps, hoping he really was kidding about what he said earlier. her fear soon turned into complete awe, she saw pictures upon pictures of Quinn, and he looked less repulsing than usual.. she found herself blushing and smiling to herself again. She sneakily sent some of his selfies to herself so she could look at them later, then deleted them out of the chat so he wouldn't see. "Alright your minute should be up by now hand it over," he said becoming impatient. she quickly exited the app and swiped it away. "here, pretty boring to be honest" she said lying. "yeah whatever, okay my turn. truth or dare?" "hmmm.. truth," she said. "ughh boooring, whatever, hm.. do you have a crush? if so who?" he asked. "hey that's not fair you only get to chose one question." she protested. "Fine, ill assume you have one, who is it?" he asked. "she really didn't have an answer, what was she supposed to say, "you're pretty attractive"? there was no way she'd say that, plus she doesn't even like him in that way..right?

                                      to be continued..

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