More one shot angst

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bakugou sat in his regular seat, crinkles and angry scrunched up eyes peering around the dull classroom once again, as always. As he gazed around the classroom people immediately looked in the opposite direction hoping not too catch his sight, it just made him angrier. why was he not good enough for them? what the fuck would make them respect him? he didn't really want people too see him as better then them he just wanted too be looked at as an equal.
He never understood how others so easily conveyed their feelings without fear, his mom always reminded him that was a sign of weakness so,why were those bastards so happy too show it? Sometimes he wished he could sit there and laugh along with them, maybe he would be if he didn't push them all away.
His sight landed on the back of a certain green haired boys head, once again, like always.
He was always so jealous of that nerd, growing up he was always so jealous of the relationships others had with their parents, especially deku. once he found out he finally for once in his god foresaken life had something better then deku he was ecstatic, he thought maybe he wouldn't look down on me anymore so he held his quirk over the boys head hoping that deku would realize that they were equal,
It didn't work, all that happened were flinches and scared eyes pointed in his direction, he didn't want deku to be afraid of him he just wanted them to be equal so that they could be like they used to be, HE JUST WANTED DEKU TOO UNDERSTAND HOW HE FELT
And so he continued longingly staring at the back of the boys head wishing things were different,
He loved him and wanted to be by his side once again, but that stupid fucking need was always trying too get ahead of him.
To leave him behind.
He couldn't have the one person who he needed to stand next to leaving him. Not again.
He refused too be stuck looking up too someone to far away to grasp so he would have settle with Deku looking at the back of his instead.

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