part 18: suicide

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Sarah's pov:

I woke up the next day...wait I didn't actually slept I was a wake all night waiting for drew to come back but he never came back home.

I went to the room next to me to see if he came late last night and that I couldn't see him but he was not in his house where is he then?? Did he stay all night with Anna?? Saying this really hurts me, maybe he had work early in the morning and he went out before I could see him.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to eat and I saw Colton there, this is great I will ask him if he knows where drew is or if he saw him today.

" Good morning Colton...have you seen drew today??" I said to him taking an apple from the small basket on the table. " Good morning Luna....ummm no.....why do you need any help with something?? Cause I can do it for you" Colton said dropping everything in his hand and getting ready to do anything for me, oh this is so sweet he really is a nice guy. " ummm no it is just that he never came last night" I said to Colton and he only nod his head and looked away.

Something is wrong I can feel it, Colton knows where drew is and he is not telling me. He's probably with no no he would not do this to me, he would tell me before he choses her right?? He wouldn't do this right I just have to stop thinking about it and go do something to get my mind of it.

I went to the living room to watch TV until drew comes back. I have been watching TV for about 3 hours until drew came back. He looked really sad like just received a bad news, did Anna leave him?? Ok I am being a horrible person but I think I enjoyed the idea.

Drew came close to me and sat on the chair. "Can we talk it's really important??" drew said then took a deep breathe. " Ok what is the problem??" I asked hoping that I am not right about drew and Anna being together.

"ummm I don't know how to tell you this but I have to say it ...... I...... last night..... I... I slept with Anna..." he said looking at me waiting for my answer. " No you didn't... Your lying right?? You wouldn't do this to me right?? You said you love me?? I trusted you...why would you do this to me??" I said to him really angry and I started to cry but before he could see me cry I ran away from him and went outside.

I kept on running and running and I couldn't stop crying. I can't believe he did this to me, why did he do this to me?? Why did he reject me then bring me to his house?? Why did he mark me and told me he loves me and then sleep with me?? Why is he doing this to me?? What did I ever do to him?? Why does he keep hurting me??

This pain is so painful that I can't handle it anymore. I can't breath, I feel like all the problems in this entire world are over my chest and it hurt so much. I want this pain to stop. I want to end all my problem in one click. I want everything to go back to normal. I wish I never met drew and I wish I was not that stupid to fall in love with him that easily, but we are here talking about my mate of course I would feel something toward him since the mate pull is so strong. I can't believe my mate deceived me, I should stop this pain right now right this instant.

I stopped running and sat down putting my back on a tree behind me and found a sharp object next to me I took it and brought it next to my wrest. I can't live knowing that my mate will always be with Anna and I can't live knowing that my mate doesn't love me so I have to end this pain right now. I put the sharp object next to my veins and started to cut them from both sides of my hand until I went into darkness and fall down.....

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