Pride of Cascadia

205 7 16

[]Time: 0759[]

"Ready every weapon we have on this ship!"

Eminent commands as his ship's main guns begin to traverse over to the small detachment of 2 ships coming from his starboard side. He then notices something odd about the ships, very odd infact, is that he's never seen anything like it.

(Low quality go brr)As the Guns start to find their ranges, Eminent grabs the radio next to him and takes a breath, preparing himself

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(Low quality go brr)
As the Guns start to find their ranges, Eminent grabs the radio next to him and takes a breath, preparing himself.

Eminent over radio: "This is the Cascadian Warship Eminent domain to Unidentified Surface vessels, you are to identify yourself and stand down or you will be fired upon and sunk, do you copy?"

He waits for a response, but gets none. Suddenly, Eminent sees the unidentified warships guns flash in double time and immediately goes into action.

Eminent: "Hard left rudder! All batteries fire at will!"

The deafening sound of the Eminent Domains guns fill the air as rounds from both sides tear though the air, with his ship slowly turning to port. The rounds from the now hostile ships, luckily, miss as they instead land all around his ship. As eminent pulls up his binoculars and looks through then towards the hostile warships, he sees fountains of water leap into the air then an explosion in the smaller ship, followed up with secondary and tertiary explosions as the ship literally breaks in half from the detonations.

Eminent: "Reload main Battery and arm all secondaries! When there's two there's most likely more."

He commands as he waits for the next salvo from his guns. The hostile is quicker on the draw as he sees its guns flash in double, but once again, they fall short. Eminent quickly answers and witnesses one of his rounds slam into the one of its guns, the round penetrating and hitting the rounds under, starting a chain reaction that causes the shells to cook off.

And he was right, noticing on his radar that a second detachment of 6 warships are headed his way and looked they like what those 2 warships where originally. Turning to put all of his guns on target and letting loose a salvo, the hostile ships return the favor. Then, an explosion shakes the Eminent Domain, multiple in fact but surprising, none of the hits do Major damage to his ship which does nothing hamper his fire.

But.. it also appeared that the ship that was previously hiding behind the island was moving out from behind it, possibly to flank him. Then he hears the bang from the ship's and closes his eyes, waiting for his ship to rock and shake...

Then an explosion was heard from far away, confusing him slightly. Eminent then opened his eyes to see one of the hostile ships literally was split apart. Looking over to the ship, he sees something that confuses him even more.

Eminent: "By the dust mother..."

Eminent was genuinely confused on what he was looking at. At first he suspected it was a battleship but the guns looked to small to be one so maybe a cruiser?

He didn't have much time to think when the ships guns lit as it advanced past him. Smiling to himself, he joined the seemingly friendly ship in the attack, ordered a full broadside as his ship slightly rocked from the firing of his guns. His secondary guns also opened up as well, yet they didn't have the range to be effective.

It didn't take them long before the 6 ships were reduced to scrap, fire, and smoke. Now Eminent was questioning if this unknown ship was friend or foe. Now, it had helped him out and saved him during the fight but by all means, it could just turn its guns towards him and finish him right here and now.

He, Fortunately, didn't have to much time to think about this as a female voice spoke through his radio.

???: "This is the USS Baltimore to unidentified warship, identity yourself!"

He chuckled a bit to himself before answering.

Eminent: "This is the Battleship Eminent Domain, apart of the Cascadian independence force. I Appreciate the assist."

This seemed to calm her down a bit as she answered.

Baltimore: "Well, I really have you to thank for saving me from those sirens. If you didn't, I would've been scrap."

Sirens? The hell are they? Don't sound like the feds, nor do their ships look like anything he's fought before.

Eminent: "riiiight... well let's get the hell out of her bef-"

Just as he says this, he turns to look over at his Radar screen and see an entire battlegroups worth of ships going straight at them.

Eminent: "Never mind then, there's an entire battlegroups barring down on us."

Baltimore: "guess they've come to finish the job."

Eminent: "Well let's make sure they don't."

He says as he turns his 14-inch guns towards the approach battlegroup. Seeing this, Baltimore does the same as she turns to meet the ships as well.

Not the first time this happened.. He says as he remembers his first encounter with a certain pilot..
(Finally this is done! I've been working on this for a bit so I'm happy this is over with! Have a great day or night!)

Ad Victorium!

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