The Truth

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Mari's POV

I wake up to the sound of screaming down stairs i get up and look at the time i see its 2:59

and go down stairs and see my mom on the floor screaming "JUST DON'T HURT MARINETTE"

my dad respones " Who said i won't " and comes to the stairs and sees me i run upstairs and lock my trap door i call alya but no answer i cry my self to sleep 

I wake the next morning and remember last night i race down stairs passing my parents and go strate out the door 


I see alya next to nino and a say "have you seen adrien " they say no and i see adrien and kagami walk in holding hands when kagami leave she kisses adrien and he kisses back i hold my sobs and go to class ms bustear is surprised im on time and starts class she says your taking a trip to Florida everyone cheers but i, at the end of class i go to ms bustear and tells her what happen last night and she yells "DONT THINK SEENS YOU EARLY MEANS YOUR EXSCUSED FROM A CLASS TRIP" i stomp out the class and go to the bathroom theres a glass bottle on the floor and i pick it up i slice my arm and i find it enjoyable and go all the way up my arm i see the door open and here a voice say "marinette "

My first story i do NOT encorege you to do this stuff if you are please conntact me

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