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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the titles and songs mentioned in the story. Full credits go to Rick Riordan and the authors and singers. Any resemblance to real life is strictly casual I do not know a lot about American school and University system, I had researched it a bit for the fanfic, but not in depth: if you read something that is not correct about it, please let me know!

Note: English is not my first language, and this is just a story that I randomly start writing in English because I just felt like it. Please do comment in case you see any error. I do like some criticism and feedback.

BIG TW: mention of death, suicide and suicidal thoughts. !!


We have a lot to learn (we are alive, we are loved)/ God knows we are worth it– I Won't Give Up, Jason Mraz

Annabeth called Percy at midnight. She had waited for the date to change from 17th to 18th for hours, wanting to be the first person to greet him at the beginning of his new year. She believed that, for every person, the 'New Year' didn't start in January, but on their birthday. A new cycle would begin for them, a new year of hope and joy and pain and struggle and change. Especially change. She believed that that was what they had to celebrate on everyone's birthday. Not just their birth, but their change and the possibility for a new change to come. She had always liked the idea that the new number meant a new her.

"Happy birthday!" she greeted him. "Make a wish!"

Annabeth could feel Percy smile through the phone. "I don't have a candle in front of me, Wise Girl," he said. His voice was tired, but she could still hear the hint of happiness that came with it. "Thank you, though," he thanked her.

Annabeth smiled sheepishly, and she could feel her cheek burn. She was grateful that she was alone in her room and that Percy could not see the effect he had on her. "Twenty-two. You ready to sing Taylor Swift at the Festival?" she asked.

Percy laughed. Through the phone, his laugh sounded a little mechanical, but it still gave Annabeth shivers. She only wished he would like her back. "How did you know?" he asked with fake surprise in his voice.

Percy sent her texts every morning, counting down the days till he could finally sing 22. He had started at the beginning of august, and for the next eighteen days, Annabeth would wake up with the following text:

- 18! Can't wait to finally sing I DON'T KNOW

Percy had always said that he was waiting for his birthday only to sing that song. Everyone agreed with him. At Jason's birthday, they were still in Greece, and nobody had the chance to see the blond superman sing the song and dancing, but Percy, at least, sent them a video of the event. Everyone was just glad they would see the (now) blue-haired guy perform for them in person.

"Although, I have to come clean about one thing," Percy said, on the other side of the line.


"We decided not to sing 22 anymore," he confessed.

"No!" Annabeth screamed. She was quick to cover her mount with her hand. She hoped she hadn't woken up any of her friends. She decided it would be best to keep their conversation going on the balcony. She wrapped herself in a comfy sweater (it was Percy's, but nobody knew she had it, but Percy himself) and went to sit on the fire staircase. "Explain yourself, Perseus Jackson," she said.

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