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The King sips whiskey out of his glass as he waits for his wife to wake. He had been sitting by the fireplace for the last hour watching her sleep. Never had he encountered such a fiery woman in his life time.

His wife also happens to be quite the mystery. The information he gathered from the file he stole from her the night before revealed he has spies placed in his kingdom right under his nose. He suspected that his wife and her father had ulterior motives for this marriage and the file only furthers his suspensions. 

He decides not to confront her about the file just yet; wanting to gather more evidence before they have that conversation. 

He is so deep in his thoughts that he does not notice his wife sitting up in bed staring at him.

He takes another sip of whiskey relishing the burn in his throat before acknowledging her," Sleep well?" 

He can hear her heart beating rapidly; something that he notices will happen whenever he is in her presence.

"Yes, thank you," she pulls her knees to her chest and hugs them.

He lets silence fall between them as he watches her closely. He is well aware of the effect he has on her; he does not purposely make her nervous, but he does enjoy seeing her squirm.

In his eyes, there is none more beautiful than the woman currently in his sheets. 

Just as he expects, Calypso cannot help but break the silence," Do you enjoy watching me sleep, King?" she sits herself into the chair across from him.

The woman always knows how to take him by surprise.

Rising, the King sets his glass on a side table and slowly makes his way to where she is sitting," I do, my love. Though there are other things I would enjoy doing much more right now."

He smiles to himself when her doe eyes grow wide and her cheeks grow red. It seems the only way he can break that cunning air constantly surrounding her is by shocking her.

" I have a question for you, wife. Do you enjoy disobeying me?" he grips her arm rests with both hands boxing her in.

Her eyes glint with mischief and hidden desire as she answers," I suppose it has become a hobby of sorts."

" And I assume Jasper has become your latest form of entertainment? You did sneak off with him during the ball after all. I can't help but wonder what matters you two were discussing that required such privacy and he could not speak about it in front of me."

Her expression becomes guarded and he very well knows he will not get any answers from her.

" Careful King, keep on with that accusing tone and someone may think you were jealous," he is, of course, but he will never admit that," No need to worry. If you would like me to put in a good word for you, you need only to ask. Although, I do not think if you are his type."

That cunning mouth of hers always manages to get under his skin. He is going to have to be extra careful around her. Calypso is nothing short of dangerous and if he lets himself slip once, he knows it will be the end of him. 

" That mouth of yours is bound to get you great trouble, darling" he moves his face just inches from hers and unintentially flashes his fangs," I am your king and you will obey me."

" Are you aware of how many times I have heard that line in my short time married to you. You may punish me and you would not be the first to do so. I can assure you, darling, I will do and say as I please. Feel free to try and stop me though; it makes it much more fun."

Her words spark anger in his heart and before he realizes what he is doing, his teeth are grazing the soft skin on her neck. He watches as goosebumps rise along her back. A soft gasp escapes her pink lips and he can't help but wonder what it would feel like to have her mouth on his skin. Her chest rises and falls rapidly causing his attention to be shift to her breasts. 

The King's grip on the wooden armrest tightens until the caramel-colored skin on his knuckles turns white. It takes all of his energy to refrain from taking this woman on the floor right now; his muscles strain from the effort to control himself. He was not lying when he told her that he will wait until she is begging for it. 

Though if he stays in this room for much longer he may convince himself otherwise. 

He pushes himself away from her before the last of his control slips away," I have business to attend to in another town. You will likely not see me for three days," he gets dressed in front of her not caring if she watches or not," Stay inside the castle; it is not safe for you outside at the moment."

He pauses in the doorway with his back to her. 

" Calypso?" he turns to see her watching him from her seat.

She tilts her head to the side causing a strand of hair to fall into her face; an image of her underneath him while he buries himself deep inside her flashes across his brain. 

" Do not let me find out you disobeyed me again."



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