2. Cinders, flames, and smoke.

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The sight of a customer sprawled asleep across his bar wasn't a sight Diluc ever really disliked. One less seat at the bar meant one less inebriated patron trying to make pointless small talk with him as he tried to listen in to the drunken drawling occurring throughout the tavern. Working the bar was something he, of course, had staff for, but as drinks flow, people's tongues get looser, and the information he could gather from an intoxicated idiot was a rather valuable arrow in his quiver. 

This particular patron, however, was beginning to overstay his welcome. A puddle of drool seeping into the shoulder of his minty cape, and his sporadic hiccups acting as a distraction. Not to mention he had a lengthy bill waiting to be paid, and Angel's Share did not allow tabs.


Diluc recoiled at the sound of the door colliding with the wall, as a whirlwind of white and blonde came bounding in, followed by a pixie? A fairy? Whatever it was, it's high-pitched voice wasn't welcome in the tavern, and Diluc was sure it was too young to be drinking alcohol. 

The slumped pile of frilly green fabric on the bar rose up slowly, bringing his hand to the back of his head and wincing as the warm lights of the bar caused his pupils to contract harshly. "W-what do you want, Paimon?". The floating enigma was glaring at the half-asleep bard with a seriousness that even Diluc struggled not to smirk at, seeing a pathetic little floating toddler look so angry was about as threatening as a drunken customer offering Diluc a fight after he refused to serve them anymore. Something that Venti had done on several occasions. 

"You're meant to be looking after Klee while Jean escorted the outriders to Wolvendom!". This remark elicited a smirk from the babbling bard at the two who stood in front of him, before taking a swig out of his dandelion wine, and swirling it around the cup, sloshing it all over the floor. Diluc was in his right mind to tip him upside down and mop it up with his hair. "She's with L-Lisa." he slurred in response, causing the pixie's brow to furrow further, and the blonde girl's in turn. "And Lisa said you left her with Albedo.".


Venti's aforementioned smile dropped like dead weight, before he wobbled to his feet, and drank down the last dribble of wine in his glass, slamming it down on the bar with a fervor that made Diluc wince visibly, and gaining a slight chuckle from the blonde girl standing aside what he now knew to be a 'Paimon'.

"Lets. Go."

Just like that, the blonde grabbed his wrist and escorted him out of the door. Dragged would probably be a better word, as he tried to catch his balance on the doorway and almost faceplanted the concrete.

The scowl painting Diluc's face was one that could convince even a mitachurl to run with their tail between their legs. He rushed around the bar and motioned to Charles to take his spot. Despite the bard donning green clothing, all Diluc could see was red.

Nobody left the bar without paying their bill.

His father might have been lenient, and might have been trusting enough of certain customers to let them pay next time they arrived, but to be honest, Diluc wouldn't trust Venti with even a lick of responsibility, nevermind bringing enough for his bill the next time, and certainly not with a pyromaniac of a child. 


Diluc almost lost his balance with the speed he turned 180 on his heel, looking towards an alley that led to one of the many gateways to Mondstadt. Gripping the handle of his claymore firmly with both hands, he slowly descended the staircase, ready to deal with whatever Hilichurls, Slimes, or, Archon's forbid, Abyss Mage, had breached into his city. Instead of hearing the thoughtless gibberish of a hilichurl, or sloshing of a slime approaching, he heard a high-pitched giggle. Just as he turned the corner, he saw a rush of red and white duck behind the gate, and almost let his guard down, knowing exactly who donned such clothing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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