[ 1 ] green twink.

26 1 1

"Y/N!" Clay's voice made me snap out of my thoughts as it came through my headset.
"Are you gonna get on hypixel or not? I've been waiting to add Darryl to the call forever!" He said impatiently.
"Oh, shit, sorry! Yeah, I'm getting on. Go ahead and add Darryl." I said, excited the meet Bad for the first time.
I heard the discord join sound before a friendly voice piped in.
"Hello!" Bad said happily.
"Hello Bad, nice to meet you!" I said.
"Oh! You're Y/N, right? Dream has told me so much about you! It's great to finally meet you!" He said.
"Great to meet you too!" I replied, Bad's energy cheering me up.

I yelled as Clay block trapped me, killing me for good as our bed was gone.
He was laughing so hard he was tea kettle wheezing.
"God, you sound like Sapnap!" He said.
I froze, my heart starting to race. I immediately felt choked up, so many emotions hitting me at once as my mind replayed what had happened a few days ago.
"Y/N? You okay?" Bad asked, concern in his voice.
"Aw, c'mon Y/N! It's just a breakup, you'll be okay." Clay said, trying to lighten the mood, but it came off the wrong way.
"It's not just a fucking break up, Clay! I loved him! I loved him so fucking much! It's- it's not something I can just forget and-" My voice cracked as tears started falling down my face.
"Jeez, Y/N, please calm down, it was just a joke-" Clay began.
"Fuck you." I choked out, leaving the call immediately.
I threw my headset down, slumping back in my chair.
I sniffled, wiping my face with my sleeves.
I feel bad for yelling at Clay but.. god, that hurt.
I took in a deep shakey breath as I pulled discord back up, messaging Clay.
_ill apologize later, but i hate you right now, you green dick._

_Dream: i understand. im sorry._

I flinched as I got the call sound. It was from Techno.
He never calls me.
I sighed, pulling myself together before I pressed the answer button.
"Heyy y/n, how ya been?" He asked, his voice soothing.
"I've.. been alright. How about you?" I asked back.
"I've been alright, been real busy." He said.
"Cool. Uhm, mind if I asked why you called? Not that I'm upset or anything, but you never call me- is there anything up?" I asked.
"Oh! Right. No, nothings wrong. I just.. heard what happened between you and Sapnap and i wanted to make sure you were okay. I can't imagine how hurt you are right now." He said, hesitating.
I sighed.
"I'll be honest, I'm not okay. I've like.. I've never felt this kind of pain before. It feels like someone's ripping my apart from the inside out and I just.." I sighed.
"I understand, breakups are never easy, especially when it's with someone you've been with for a while.. someone you truly did love. Just remember, you have people here for you. I'm here for you- so is Karl, Wilbur.. even Dream is there for you, even though he doesn't act like it." Techno said, sympathy laced in his voice.
"Yeah.. thank you, Techno. I know we really don't talk but, you're a really good person." I said, nodding, even though he couldn't see.
"Thanks. You are too, Y/N. We should hang out more." He said.

- techno's pov: -
I bit my lip, thinking about if I should tell her.
The reason I didn't talk to her much was because Nick was upset with how 'close' we seemed, which I could understand. Me and Y/N always had a good connection- like brother and sister.
(techno would def be the older brother type-)
"Yeah! We should!" She said, seeming to cheer up.
I smiled, happy she was feeling somewhat better.
"Hey- ya know, I know you're mad at Dream right now, but.. I'm heading down to Florida this Thursday to meet up with him." I said.
"Oh- really? That's cool!" She responded.
"Maybe we can all hang out?" I suggested.
"Defiently!" She said excitedly.
"Awesome, can't wait!" I responded, my smile growing wider.
"Oh- I'll be right back, someone's knocking on my door." Y/N said, smiling.
"Alright, take you time." I nodded, leaning back.
Y/N left her mic unmuted and I could hear the conversation going on in the background.
What sounded like Karl's voice was distant and panicky.
"Y/N! Y/N! We have to go, now!" Karl yelled- so loud it was clear for me to hear.
"Why? What's wrong?" Y/N asked back worriedly.
"Just come to my apartment!" He yelled back.
"Hang on- Jesus!" Y/N hurried back over to her mic.
"Hey- sorry Tech, something came up and I've got to go- Talk to you later?" She asked.
"Yeah, for sure. Hope everything is okay." I replied.
"Okay, see ya Tech. Love ya, platonically!" She said.
"Bye, love you too, platonically." I chuckled.
We both left the call and I slid my headset off.
"[real name], who were you saying I love you too?" My little sister asked as she was standing in my doorway.
"My friend." I said.
She had a massive smile as she turned, throwing her hands in the air.
"[real name] HAS A GIRLFRIEND! [real name] HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" She chanted as she ran down the hallway. I laughed.

- your pov: -
"Karl! Is it really necessary to drag me like this?" I huffed as he was pulling me down the hallway by my wrist.
"Yes! Now shut up and look!" He smiled as he opened his door.
I shut it behind me as I stepped in, looking around.
"Well? What's wrong?" I asked.
Karl walked over to the couch, picking something up.
He walked back over, holding a small grey and white kitten.
My eyes widened.
"Oh my god, they're adorable!" I smiled.
"His name is Storm- very generic, but I couldn't think of anything else." Karl laughed, offering Storm out to me.
I gently grabbed him, holding him in my arms.
Storm looked up at me with braindead green eyes, purring.
"He's.. very ugly yet cute at the same time." I giggled.
"That's what I said!" Karl smiled.
"I thought something really bad happened by the way you dragged me here, but this is great!" I set Storm down.


I laid down in my bed, sighing. I pulled out my phone, texting Clay.

_I'm sorry for getting mad at you. I understand you were just trying to lighten up the situation, but that was the complete wrong way to do it. That just hurt me alot. I'm still sore, and I'm going to be for a while, please keep that in mind. I love you._

Clay immediately started typing.

Dream: _yeah, im sorry as well, you had every right to get upset. i wasn't trying to make fun of you or anything, i just wanted to make you feel better. i won't do anything like that again. i love you too._

I sighed as I put on my 'sad hours' playlist, clicking off my phone, setting it down. I stared at the ceiling as "Saline Solution" by Wilbur starting playing.
I haven't talked to Wilbur in a while.. I should.
I yawned, my eyelids getting heavy.
I'll message him tomorrow.
I closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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