Chapter Four

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A/N: Hey guys!!! If you've made it this far, thx!! So if you  follow me on Insta, I'm sorry about not posting yesterday. I was exhausted and laid down and then accidentally fell asleep. So, sorry for not posting yesterday. Also my sister is writing a Ladrien fanfic called "We Have the Same Secret" her user is @yuhpou and its really good. Anyways, THANK YOU FOR 300 READS!!! :) Have a good read!

When we got to my house, we went to my room. I walked and she sat down grabbing something out of her bag. She pulled out a journal and opened it to her next new page. 

"What are you writing?" I asked genuinely curious

"Nothing!" she replied quickly

"Mhmm, and it wouldn't have to do with me?"

"Nope! Definitely not!" she said closing her journal an putting it by her bag

"Whatever. Wanna play video games?"


We went over to my tv and I turned on the game console and picked our favorite game. I put it in, sat down next to Mari, and grabbed my control. After 4 games, and losing all four times I got kinda tired and laid down on my bed. Mari came and laid next to me.

"Tired of losing?" She asked playfully

"Nah, I've just not had a lot of sleep lately. I'm really tired."I looked over at her and she smiled at me warmly, sending butterflies through my stomach.

"What's going on?" She asked

"I'm just a little lost is all." I replied 

"Go to sleep, I'll be right here when you wake, ok?"

I nodded and pulled her close to me, wrapping my arms around her waist. I nuzzled my head into her neck and breathed in her scent. She scooted herself closer to me and let out a content sigh. I smiled and we fell asleep. I slept better than I have the previous nights and woke up at around 5 o'clock. Mari was still sleeping so I was began to take in her beauty. I noticed the light freckles across her face, the smile she has when she sleeps, how smooth her skin is. Then her eyes fluttered open. 

"Well good morning sleepy head."

"What time is it?" she asked, still a little sleepy


"WHAT!? I need to go!!" she got up and hurriedly picked up her bag. "I'm sorry! I'll see you tomorrow before the meeting." she said quickly and ran out.

I was reminiscing about what just happened when  noticed something.. she left her journal. I got up and walked toward it. I picked it up and started contemplating on if I should read it when Plagg came up.

"What's that?" 

"Marinette's journal. She left it since she was in a hurry to get out of here. I don't know if I should read it or not.."

"You should. C'mon, you don't have to rationalize everything!"

"Alright, I will read it. It'll be good for my sanity!"

I opened it and flipped to a random page and what I saw was interesting. I got out my phone and texted Marinette.

Adrien: You left your journal behind :)


Adrien: But I'm your bestie let me read ittttt

Mari: Adrien! the answer is no, I have my reasons. I love you more than anything, but just don't read it😡

Adrien: ok fine🙄💅
I'll read it😼


Adrien: "But when he loves me, I feel like I'm floating.
When he calls me pretty, I feel like somebody."

Wow Mari, I didn't know you feel like that.

Mari: I- I'm sorry. I don't know how you feel, but yeah, that's how I feel. I like you. A lot. And I know we're just friends, but I want to be more than just friends.

Adrien: Mari, I feel the same way. That's why I've been lost. I've had feelings for you for a while now, just didn't know how to tell you. I like you a lot too, and want to be more than just friends. Every time I look at you, I get butterflies. I love your faint freckles, your warm smile, you uplifting energy, your smell, I love you, princess.

Mari: I love you too, and I can't wait to see you tomorrow. But for now, I need to go. Goodbye, my prince

Adrien: Goodbye, my princess.

After I texted her Plagg began his rant.

"You guys are dumb as ever! You've like each other this entire time, and didn't even know it!! When I talked to my Sugarcube, I knew immediately that she was the love of my life. And even though kwamis can't fall in love, we did and we are happier than ever. Also, where is my camembert?" 

I threw him a piece and he swallowed it whole.

"You pig" I mumbled

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