The Invitation

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Wen Kexing was not excited to be back.

He could already see the house, if it could be called that, in the distance and it brought only bad memories. The gothic spires of the old mansion reached for the sky and the large Victorian windows spanned like paneled ghosts up the front of the building. The golden gates with latticed bronze ivy remained closed upon their arrival so the driver pulled up to the bored looking guard. "Halt. Who may I ask is visiting?" His chauffeur lowered the window more and looked at the guard with a warning expression. A irritated frown slid on his mouth and he tapped on the blacked out glass to the back the car. "I need to verify all visitors." Gu Xiang stared at the man through the glass, her eyes beginning to glow with aggression. She seemed like she was about to dive out of the car and rip the guard to pieces so Wen Kexing patted her hand. "Now, now, play nice." Gu Xiang pouted but nevertheless leaned back and opened the window on her side.

The guard looked into the interior and immediately blanched. "Many pardons, Lord Wen. I did not realize you were back."

Wen Kexing glanced out of the window and smiled, his fangs peeking out suggestively in warning. "It has been a long night. Perhaps you can allow us to pass?"

The guard bowed while stammering and hurried to open the gate for them. It swung slowly to reveal the glittering onyx driveway that Wen Kexing had always thought ridiculous. His creator's taste was morbid and opulent in all the wrong places.

He frowned at the lawns that held only cold stone fountains that were frozen in time, the women twisting along the mantles dry and tasteless. This place had as much warmth as the dead of winter.

When the main housing came into view, the household was already lining the steps with their hands folded in front of them. "Remind me why we came back, Ah Xiang."

Gu Xiang dutifully bowed her head with a sympathetic look in her eyes. "To lure the first master out of hiding so you can live in peace." She could not speak the name of Wen Kexing's creator or he might fly into a rage and she would rather not startle the servants so early on. There would be plenty of that later, she was sure.

"Ah, yes, thank you, Ah Xiang." He pulled his gloves back on and tapped his fingers on the door handle.

"Of course." She stepped out of the car once they had stopped at the foot of the stairway and walked around to open the door for Kexing. The whole household was holding their breath and she glanced their way in warning. Wen Kexing hated it when the servants were on edge around him. Not that they could help it half the time.

Wen Kexing's boots hit the ground and he stepped out, straightened his suit jacket as he did so. The servants bowed in unison. "Welcome back Lord Wen." They rang out in monotone. It was grating to his ears, but he allowed for some sense of tradition. The horizon was beginning to lighten slightly so he ascended the steps without fanfare, Gu Xiang close at his heels. At the top of the steps, he took one last glance back and frowned.

This place needed be livened up somehow. "Do we have a gardener?" He asked of no one in particular, but his deep voice carried down the steps easily.

An older man with graying hair stepped forward, his head bowed low. "I am in charge of the grounds."

Wen Kexing nodded and gestured vaguely to the bare lawn and the sides of the house. "Plant something. Trees and flowers, perhaps." He squinted and realized he couldn't really enjoy the splendor of flowers blooming in the daylight. "Night flowers. Do they have those?"

This last question was directed at Gu Xiang and she nodded. "Yes, master. I will have it taken care of."

Wen Kexing inclined his head and hurried into the house, ignoring all else but the staircase that led to his bedroom. He tried not to focus on the darkness that seemed to bath the estate and he wondered if he'd be able to stay this time. He had duties that had long gone unattended and he needed to encourage relations if he was to hunt down his former master.

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