Opposites Attract <3

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(Im on pc so-)

* (you)

# (whitty)

 * wow. these shoes are amazing man. cant really afford them though.


I guess i'll have to wait.

-you put on your roller-skates and skate a weird alleyway. you decide to spray-paint graffiti to make it look better-

* Beautifu-

-you hear a strange sound. you turn around to see a figure about 10 feet with a-.. bomb head?-

* Hello..?

# Hi.


* Oh my I'm so sorry i overreac-

# It's fine.

* Uh.. who are you..?

# Whitmore. Call me Whitty please.

* Ok! I'm Y/N. N/N for short.

# Cool name N/N

-you blush a bit, so does Whitty.-

* So uh.. what are you doing here?

# I'm running from them.

* Who is?- oh.. them.

# mhm.

* I'm sorry.

# It's fine.

* It's getting quite late, isn't it?

# Yeah. you are correct.

* Well, I should be heading home cya!-

# Wait!

* Hm?

# Could you maybe.. stay?

* Ok.

-you hug him tightly-

# What are you doing?

* Hugging you!

# Hugs feel warm. Yours especially.

-you both blush uncontrollably-

* I'm gonna go buy some blankets from across the street. Be right back!

# What are blankets?

* Blankets are soft things that you lay on and put on your body.

# O ok-

* I'm also gonna get pillows.

# What are pellows?

* They're pillows, not "pellows". But pillows are soft thing you put your head on.

# Ok! Please be quick :[

* Ok I will! :3

-you skate over to the store and grab them.-

-you also bought 2 big boxes of CheezIts due to knowing about his big appetite. You got yourself some Chocolate covered strawberries in an adorable little box!-

* I'm back!

# That was really quick!

-You could tell he was warming up to you already.-

* I got you some CheezIts! And a Pop-It!

# What is a Pop-It?

* This!

-you slide it over to him-

* Push one of those things down!

# Oh ok.

-he pushes it down and the sound made him flinch a bit. But he did it again. And again. And again. AND ALOT.-

# I like this thing!

* Hehehe! Nice to know!

-He finds your laugh goofily-adorable.-

-You whispered under your breath an I love you.-

# I love you too.

-you are very flustered, and he has a tint of blush on his face.-

-you decide to cuddle with him and look at the stars. soon enough you both fall asleep, cuddling.-

^End of Oneshot^



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