December 28, 2013

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December 28, 2013

Someone told me that if I started writing in a journal, more creative energy would come my way, so here I am.

Tomorrow is my twenty-six birthday and not one of my supposed “best friends” has gone out of their way to tell me whether or not I will be seeing them.

Clara is probably going to flake out on me because of something that Chris is going to have magically planned as a romantic evening for the two of them. I swear those two were going to be conjoined at the hip before they would even be seen without the other. Don’t get me wrong, I’m beyond happy for the girl after that horrible breakup in 2009 when I thought for sure she was going to go postal in our apartment. That was when she found those hideous gold colored panties.

Just thinking about it is making me cringe.

Miranda is already someone I know can’t come, even though she hasn’t directly told me. (Knowing someone since high school really helps.) Recently she found online dating after her sister got married to a man she met through some website that just sounded sketchy. I haven’t really asked how that marriage is holding out, but Miranda seems to think that this year will be the year for love.

Yeah, okay.

Then there is my lovely friend Roy, who I just got really close to within the last couple of months. She works at the agency that I just started at. It really isn’t anything fancy, we just sit at a desk with a computer that is much too large and just punch a bunch of numbers into the blank screen before sending it out to the higher ups. Not my dream job, but it paid the rent and that had to count for something.

Roy had said that she wanted to come, but much to my dismay earlier in the week she reminded me that this was her ovulation window. So basically she would be able to come if she and Andrew had the chance to get it on before meeting me.

And I really don’t think I could look her in the eye if she showed.

Oh – just rereading everything I just wrote really makes it sound like I don’t like my friends. I know that I totally and absolutely adore my friends to death, but I guess just with their lives all moving forward with the waves of life and mine just flopping pitifully in the shallow end; I’m a little bitter.

It’s just a phase.  

Well, I said I was going to write in this little book of pages and if I hadn’t heard from any of the girls by the time I was done, I would get my ass up, get dressed, do my make-up and have a damn good time all by myself.

It’s in writing, so now it has to be done.

Wish me an abundance of free drinks,


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