Late night scares

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Elipse's pov:

The thing I hate most about my two jobs is one is an inexperienced wizard with his fucking angery ass mutt, and my second one is watching over everyones dreams. That sucks ass, I wonder how much trouble I would get in with the spirit queen if I messed with the mutt's dream... it should not be so much right? I went into the dreamscape and opened the door to his dream. I walked in, at first it was all dark and grey. There was a green field with three boys, I was assuming that the black haired boy was the mutt. I'm assuming that the other two are family or some crap, I kept watching as he and the kids played around, then they started to talk.

"Do you promise we will always be friends?"

The mutt calmly replied "Of cores! always and forever!" Then the little tiny boy screamed cause a butterfly landed on him. The other started to laugh.

The scene changed, we were now in a castle. The room was dark, but it still had some light in it. I saw two boys, I reconized them as the two from the beginning.

"You do know if your parents found us we would be in big trouble right?" the teenage version of the mutt said

"Of course! That's why we're in the room no one goes to, and all the staff are forbidden to come back here." Decided it got to cliche for me so I walked away. I wandered into a room, the same two boys were fighting the teenage mutt yelled

"Velex! Is this what you really want do? Do you want to throw everything away just for your selfish desires?"

"My selfish desires? I'm doing this for us! We can be the most powerful people in world! Just last night I gave you great powers so we can be the rulers of the whole world together! Jace, don't you see? I'm doing this for you! And Clarence! I'm doing this for us! Remember? always and forever."

"You broke always and forever when you killed all of them! The only protectors of our planet! Then lost the royal stones of our planet! Have you gone insane? You gave me powers that I don't even want Velex! I wish you had never fallen into your fathers temptation! Good bye!" He turned around and jumped out a window. After all that I decided to just leave the dream world. I woke up

"What the actual hell did I just see?"

The three-stone warTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang