Analyzing=Magic: Boast Busters

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This episode was just....I don't know, bad I guess because this still keeps me questioning about whether the writers will ever make Trixie reformed or at least acceptable, because just from seeing more Trixie filled episodes (especially ahem... all the Equestria girls movies...cough cough) Trixie is just there causing conflict and being there for the sake of it, a little more like King Sombra. NEW DAUGHTER OF SOMBRA!!!! OMG!!!! But anyways the episode starts off with Twilight doing magic and shit on Spike cause that's why you buy dragons for. GET YOUR VERY OWN DRAGON FOR 0.99 BITS TO DO MAGIC ON IT!!! IT SAFE AND FUN!! And for some reason he gets a moustache. Yay. And the intro. So then Twilight goes for a walk in town don't know, talk about how Twilight is the best unicorn in the whole entire world and could eventually overthrow Celestia and become the new God if the world. Yeah sure let's go with that . And then eventually they bump into Snips and Snails, the devil children. Ugh. Snips and Snails aren't really favorites of mine because they don't really have much background or character development except for just being the villains henchman. And it still keeps me wondering if they are evil or not. God dahm it Chris Savini, why did you give me this to suffer on. Anyways, then they meet..ahem... THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRRRIXE!!!!!! Or as to everyone else the ,loud mouth. So later she chanllenges Twilight to do something that Tirixie can't do and so she just leaves. ALRIGHT EVERYONE THE WHOLE SHOWS OVER!!! YOU CAN GO HOME!!! Jk. But Spike says that she can defeat Trixie by showing her how great her magic is. Finally! Spike is useful to bronies here. Twilight refuses and tells him to buzz off. TWI IS FINALLY A BRONY!!!!!!! the rest of the episode is the word...easy. I mean yeah you already figuered out that snips and snails do want to be psyched out by Trixie, but I still have regrets about Trixie. A villan to me is a person who wants power and a story to come along with it. And just from seeing some of the villans from the show 80% of them are royalty and mainly want their power back. Villans like Flim and Flam or the Dimond dogs have a goal which is their true desire like dimonds or money. Trixie is different. I can tell that Trixie wasnt really ment to be a villan. She was just some pony who wanted to entertain people and show off her magic. The reason why she was considered a villan was because she still hasn't learn from her mistake. She should actually be greatful that she was saved from an Ursa Minor from Twilight, but instead she still tries to be better than her. And like Sombra she doesn't really have a good backstory of what got her to show off and what convinced her that she was a powerful unicorn. So to me...this was a terrible episode. I didn't really understand Trixie and that's what really got me down.

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