love starts from Understanding

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Hey guys hope you all are safe and secure in home stay home and stay safe guys stay aware of Corona

A girl was sitting in a living room with laptop

Girl's pov
the most received and irritating compliment ever I received in my life is "you are so lucky " from childhood I wanted to be a photographer but dad said it's not needed and said me to study I thought if we study well then may be they may allow me to become a photographer but after that dad said you are good at study then continue it then I thought that yeah Im good at it then why can't I study journalism but my father said me that it Doesn't suit our business and family you should study Interior design as per his advice I completed Interior designing and joined a company for a experience in one year I had a first love and in another one year I had first breakup that time my father too fallen ill he scared that he would not do my marriage so within few days he arranged my marriage to his close friend's son and I'm here in canada Hi my Name is Riddhima this is my story I don't know who have written my story .
Pov ends
Her thoughts was distributed by a video call
Her friend sejal was on the call
Sejal - he riddhu how r you
Riddhu - hey Sejal I'm fine
Sejal - hey dude where are you
Riddhu - Canada
Sejal - it's a good place dude have fun and how is your husband is he is Taking care of you
Riddhu - ha sejal he is a gentleman he is good than I expected
Sejal - what really
Riddhu - yeah Sejal
First night of Riddhu
Her husband - I'm feeling awkward its my room my home but I feel something awkward
I know you also feeling the same our marriage has done so soon we barely had a conversation in two days I'll be leaving for Canada your visas are ready too I know you married me because your father said to do so till now you have lived your life from others control but from tomorrow there is no one will control you you can live your life for yourself
First night all of this just a ritual you are not forced to follow there in Canada First I'll not force you to accept this marriage it'll take time and I have a belief that if something happens in life it happens with a reason take your time and good night Riddhima
Flashback Ends

Sejal - sooper dude you're so lucky
Riddhu - ok sejal he will be arriving in any minute I'll speak to you later
Sejal - bye dude TC

A man near late 20s arrived and see Riddhima was working

Man - hey Riddhima I said right I'll take you out we can go now
Riddhu - ok
Man - Ah Riddhima you looked great in that Pink saree will u drap it
Riddhu - actually it's yet to wash
Man - ok then wear on your choice

They leave for the outing they reached a restaurant they settled down in table

TV was running in the restaurant a wedding function was taking place
Man - do you know weddings here are more simple and elegant I love it I also wanted these kind of simple wedding but ours was a sudden wedding
A dish was served to them
Riddhu - I think they placed wrong table
Man - that's the speciality of this restaurant they serve your fav dish by using face recognition
Riddhu - stop playing
She opens the lid to see Pink sauce pasta
Riddhu - are you serious how do they know my favourite dish
Man smiles cheekily
Riddhu - how cheeky for a second I believed it , how you know my fav dish is Pink sauce Pasta
Man - your sister oly told me
Riddhu - Oh
She message her sister

R - Ooi did you tell him my fav food
Ah I don't remember it Di -Radha

Man - don't ask her I just steal it from her In conversation she just blurted out she would have forgot she told me

They both enjoyed the meal
Man - I have gift for you
He opened the box and showed a bracelet

They both enjoyed the meal Man - I have gift for you He opened the box and showed a bracelet

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