Chapter 1

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Dean bolted awake in a room that was not his. He looked around the modern, unfamiliar bedroom as his eyes adjusted to the light peering through the window. "Where- what happened...?" Dean muttered, yawning and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Then, slowly but surely, he started to remember what had happened.

Dean struggled to keep the Jinn away from him. There were too many of them. Sam was battling two or three and Cas must've been fighting a ton based on the flashes of light coming from around the corner. Suddenly, the light flashes stopped. Dean averted his attention away from the Jinn in front of him, focusing only on the safety of his friend. "Cas!" Dean yelled, heart beating faster than ever.

But the only sound he could make out was the ringing in his ears as he slipped into unconsciousness.

Dean's heart pounded quickly. "Cas." He uncovered the blankets surrounding him and rushed to open the door. Outside the door was a living room which connected to a kitchen. Inside the kitchen was Cas, humming and stirring something in a bowl. "Cas?" Dean practically choked on his words.

Cas- or... Not Cas? He wasn't really sure what to call him- it, because it certainly wasn't his Cas- walked over to Dean and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Good morning, Dean. Or-" The Cas thing rolled up its sleeve to check its watch for the time, then looked back up at Dean, a smile plastered on its face. "-Good noon, I suppose. Anyway, I'm making pancakes if you're hungry."

Dean stood still, frozen to the floor. "I- um- y-yeah, I- I guess I'm... Hungry... A little bit... I guess..." Dean couldn't quite process what had just happened. While he was thinking over things to call the imitator that stood before him, that thing had come over and kissed him on the cheek. It almost made Dean laugh. That Jinn had gotten it all wrong. What made it think he was in love with Cas? Oh, well. He'll deal with it until he finds a good place to get out of there. It'll be a funny story to tell Sam and Cas once he gets back.

"Hey, so I was thinking-" Cas began, who was now back at the stove, pouring the pancake batter into a pan, "We could go on a picnic today? Or a fancy resturaunt. Or we could stay home tonight and watch a movie again. Any other suggestions?"

Dean took a moment to process what Cas was saying as he made his way towards the kitchen. A date. It was planning a date. Dean took a moment to think. A picnic would be harder to get away from. A resturant has plenty of sharp cutlery, but he definitely couldn't around all those people. A movie at home might be easiest. But Cas seemed almost upset when he suggested staying at home. Dean shook off the stupid thought. This thing couldn't feel. It was a figment of his imagination. Just a figment. Dean wallowed in this thought for a while, before answering, against his better judgement, "Well, what do you want to do?"

The thing lit up, and Dean smiled lightly, before realizing what he was doing and covering it up. "Well, um-" Cas tried to hide its emotions, as well, but he was never very good at that. Dean chuckled, thinking of all the times he's had to pretend not to know about a surprise Cas was planning. But this, of course, the thing standing in front of him now, was incapable of emotion. It wasn't real. "I- I kind of wanted to go to a picnic. We could make food- I know a good strawberry shortcake recipe. I mean, if it's alright with you." Cas smiled sheepishly, its cheeks a deep red.

Dean chuckled lightly. Cas's strawberry shortcake was always delicious. "Okay. I can't really bake, but-" No. What am I doing? What am I doing? Stop. Stop it. Shut up. "I- I could make some, like, cookies or something."

Cas smiled. "I'll eat anything you make, Dean." He- it then planted another kiss on his cheek, which made Dean's heart sink and his knees go weak.

What is wrong with me? I made a plan, why can't I just stick to it? For Christ's sake, I'm dying. Now's not the time to be baking cookies with- Dean glanced over at Cas, his thoughts trailing off.

Oh, God.

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