Chapter 15 Insane

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Laniesha POV
*Phone call wit Erica*
Erica: ok wat happened last night u called n then all I heard wz screamin
Laniesha:That night wat happened between bow n I wz a mistake he shouldn't had cumin over here wz drunk n he wz just.... Idk wat should I do
Erica: What u should do is cum stay with me for the weekend n we can work things out n I will have a talk wit him tonight
Laniesha: ok I will c u soon
Erica: ok bye-bye
Phone call ends
I got ready but before I did I made Miyah milk n changed her. I feed Miyah her milk n she fell asleep I burped her n laid her down while I took a 5min shower n got ready. I put on a black crop top in gold letters that says Twerk n white high waist jeans wit my Jordan Futures wit gold hoop earring n my hair in a messy bun n my Nicki Minaj pink Friday perfume. I packed all my things n headed out the door.
25mins later I got to Erica's house we talked she played wit Miyah will I got 5 voicemails n 10 text messages from bow sayin : Baby I'm sry can u plz cum bck n I want things to be normal again n we can start over.
Erica: so r u gonna talk to bow
Laniesha: Idk yet cuz gave me bruises on my arm n face
Erica: Oo u didn't tell me bout that part

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