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Sneak peak of what is in chapter 1:

"You really think any school would accept a boy who makes zero efforts in academics? The only school that might accept you at this rate is community college. . .But with the GPA of somehow- 0.6, I doubt it."


Hopefully you read the the ending towards the description but if you have not--

Please do not tell me you're under 16 reading this story as I said I rather have people above 16 reading. . .First, to be honest it's smarter to not just blurt out your age and etc on the internet since people can block you from content. Although this doesn't contain too much sexual themes- I rather not kids get influenced by things or read this stuff too early on in life but I cannot stop you all so it just makes sense not to state your age at all- (I seen 12 year olds comment on fanfictions like ones with romance or sexual themes and flat out state their age and how they're reading it- It just doesn't make sense to me since you can still get kicked out, reported, or in trouble for stating your age).

Second, I am not fully apart of the fnf fandom simply due to the fact I kind of feel like it's turning to any other popular and mainstream fandom and what some events happened there. I wanted to write this story and more to refine my writing skills and because I enjoy the characters and the ideas that comes with it. I thought that there's got to be more of a reason to how Boyfriend and Pico got together in the first place and also got to be a reason to how they broke up. . .So this is the idea I kind of came with which I know defeats the plotline to Love Conquers All on Pico's School, but felt as if it would be an adorable idea.

Third, I do not support people who harass others over ships and their beliefs, I support Girlfriend x Boyfriend and I support Boyfriend x Pico (the only ships I enjoy as of now since other ships either weird me out or I do not care for them at all-) I also forgot that Mommy Dearest x Bo is great too. 

Fourth, I don't want this to become a 'yaoi' story, as a person studying Japanese and who has Japanese sisters- the term is uncomfortable. Yaoi means gay sexual intercourse between men, it's kind of a hidden/secret pleasure for women audience mostly and although I do not mind the scene- I just don't want people to fetishize real gay people or fetishize gay ships that are mostly trying to be innocent such as this one.

This fanfiction has nothing too bad other than fighting, Pico having schizophrenia and PTSD (confirmed by the creator himself), and offensive humor- for I once want to explain that I myself am a person of color, LGBT, and have a learning disability myself and do not mean to offend others and kind of use the humor towards me a few times- though these jokes won't go too far, but you'll hear a few bad words since that's how Newsground humor works in a way (Not the other side like shadbase, shadbase humor is just a case).

I hope you somehow enjoy this fanfiction! Onto the story!

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