Chapter 3

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Jordyn's POV

"How we looking up there Pep?" I sat next to Pepper at the hologram table that showed the tower and the new arch reactor Tony installed.

"The Arch Reactor seems to be taking over the power easily and energy levels are stable."

"Of course they are I made it." Tony was so cocky.

"How does It look?" I ask Tony through Jarvis.

"Like Christmas but a little more, Stark." I was smiling like an idiot.

"Come back so we can celebrate." Pepper said walking over to the bar and grabbed a tall bottle of an champagne and a tall bottle of sparkling cider. I ran up behind her and grabbed the skinny glasses and brought them to the coffee table for Pepper to pour the drink.

Pepper handed Tony one of the glasses if champagne while I sipped my sparkling cider.

"Sir he's insisting." I heard Jarvis say.

"Who is insisting?" I asked.

"An old acquaintance." I made an 'o' shape with my mouth.

"Jarvis just block him out, we are celebrating." He held out his glass and we all cheered.

"Sir I'm afraid my protocols are being over written." Tony rolled his eyes and picked up his phone.

"You have reached the life model of Tony Stark." I tried to hold back my laughter before the elevator dinged and out walked a shorter man in a dark black suit holding a black folder walked in.

"Security breach." Tony said sarcastically.

"Phil." Pepper seemed happy to see him. "Good to see you again."

"Good to see you too." he seemed nice, so I walked up behind Pepper hoping she could introduce me.

"And who is this." he bent down to my level and held out his hand to me and I shook it.

"I'm Jordyn." I said in a happy tone. It was cool to meet someone new.

"Why don't you come and join us, were celebrating." Pepper said walking back over to the coffee table and I skipped along behind her.

"That's exactly why he can't stay."  

"Hey be nice." I piped up but he just stuck his tongue out at me, and I stuck mine out at him. Even though I was 12 now I still acted like a little kid. Tony walked over to Phil.

"Here," Phil tried to hand Tony the folder, but he wouldn't take it.

"I don't like being handed things."

"Well, that okay because I love to be handed things. Here lets trade." Pepper walked over to them and gave him her drink and she took the folder then took Tony's drink and handed him the folder. Tony walked over to the hologram table.

"Stark we need you to come in." Phil said.

"Oh, is this about the Avengers? Which I know nothing about." Said Pepper. I stayed at the table drinking my drink and looking at the holograms of the tower.

"I thought I wasn't cleared for that. That I'm to self-absorbed don't work well with others." Tony started. Then I heard Pepper mumble something.

"Pep." Tony motioned for Pepper to come over to him and she excused herself. I walked over to Tony who pulled up a bunch of people who were fighting with big explosions in the background. One of them was even a big green dude.

"I'm taking the jet to DC tonight."


"You have homework." She said simply.

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