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"in Palestine, there have been dozens of civilians dead, and among those civilians, 30-40 percent are children. Innocent children who have to give up their life for a conflict between two parties, a conflict that has been going on for God knows how long.

To those who aren't aware of the Israel-Palestine conflict, please, educate yourselves on the matter. This isn't something you should brush off as a passing event. It's not. It's not something that is going to die down in a few days or weeks or months. If it was a matter that could be solved so quickly, it would have been solved a fucking long time ago and I'm talking decades back.

But denying a basic human right, the right to practice one's religion is not acceptable, especially during a month that the religion considers Holy. Whatever the conflict, it could have waited, like it's been doing so for so long. But no, prayers had to be interrupted, people had to be driven away from their homes, civilians had to be killed and despite having a major defense system which is a guarantee that Hamas wouldn't be able to hurt a fly in Israel, they had to do what they did.

I'm not going into rant like I wanted to because I'm at the point of losing my shit here already, so I'm going to stop.

But just because I did, doesn't mean that you should too. 

Right now, the least you can do is help those who need help. Or spread the word. Before everything, we are humans and helping one another during a time of need is a humane thing to do. For the sake of humanity, do what you can. ANYTHING. Even a word of prayer is appreciated.

May peace be upon you all.

[ for info on how you can help : ] "



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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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