Watch her all the time

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The next day Patrick made himself up

wake up early, because he wanted to make it

Azura's breakfast. Before he headed to the kitchen, he did

saw his wife who was still fast asleep.

Patrick didn't want to wake him up because of him

want Azura with their future baby

disturbed. Then he headed to the kitchen and

make breakfast for him. At that time

It's actually not 6:00, Patrick on purpose

did that because he had promised to

Azura that he will continue to keep an eye on Azura

every time until their child is born.

"Patrick, you must do your best

for Azura and your child. You will be

a father, so you have to protect

the two of them. "Wallingford said to himself

alone. After he finished making breakfast

and set them on the table, he returned to the room

and slowly trying to wake up


"Honey, wake up .... breakfast is ready ..."

"* Yawns * what? You're up and on

to make breakfast? "

"Yes, of course. When you were pregnant, I was

that replaces your job to make


"But ... I should have made it,

why should you .... "Then Patrick

slowly helping Azura get up from the spot

sleeping, then kissed her forehead.

"* Shakes head * Because you're on

pregnant, and from now on I will

watch over you until our child is born. "

"Fine, but don't overdo it, I don't like it."

"Even if you say that, I will

keep doing it for ..... all day. "

"Nooooo ....."

Then Azura headed to the dining table,

then she and Patrick started eating

their breakfast. When Azura was enjoying

her food, she saw that Patrick

watched him endlessly.

"Worried about my condition, I see ....."

"Obviously yes Azura. I'm worried about you


"You better eat quickly and go to work."

"Yes, take it easy. I'll do it."

Then Azura said she wanted to go to

lab, then Patrick allowed it however

she should not linger there. After that

they go together.

Azura Pov.

I'm not sure what Patrick said

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