I went from good girl to bad girl

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As I lay on the cool grassy forest floor, the sun warming my pale skin, and the soft gentle breeze blows my bangs slightly. The smell of the tall pine trees that surrounds me invades my nose with it's fresh smell. The forest is the most beatifulest places I've ever imagined, it's like my own personal wonderland.

But eventually the cural world of reality creeps up on you, making you wake up from a blissful dream that I wish would happen. I've always wanted to go to the forest but my parents are strick and don't let me do much.

As I climb out of bed I walk over to my closet to decide on what to wear. I finally pick out a light blue jumper with small pink flowers dotted on it. I pick out black flats to go with my outfit.

After I get change I quickly brush my teeth, I look at my self in the mirror, my dark carmel hair flows in natural waves down to my mid back, I'm about 5"6', I'm skinny for my age, which is 17, and I have icey blue eyes but sadly there hidden beneath glasses. I brush my hair and decide to leave it natural today, I don't want to go to school, I'm not much of a social person.

"Cassidy! breakfast is ready!" yells my mother. I sigh and take one last look at my appearance before grabbing my bag and going down stairs.

Once I enter the kitchen I'm greeted by my mother and father sitting at the table eating there breakfast.

"Morning" I say to both of them, the both smile at me and go back to eating. I sigh not wanting what ever my mom made for breakfast and just grabed a gronala bar. After I ate I said good bye to my parents and then left to go to school. I would drive there but my parents think it's to dangorus for me to have a car so I have to walk, but I don't really care I like to walk and my school isn't to far from my house.

As soon as I arrive at school my best friend Beth comes running over to me looking very excited. Beth is about my height, has blonde hair, and dark chocolate brown eyes. Her body is kinda like mine but she has more curves in the right places.

"OH MY GOD CASSIDY!" she practically yells

"what?" I ask couriois

"There's this new guy and he is so freakin HOT like omg! I almost drooled when I saw him!" she tells me and I just roll my eyes.

I bet he's just some player if he has this affect on girls, well I'm just gona stay away from him.

As the day went on I haven't see this new guy once yet, which was kinda weird because when ever there a new person I usally always see them at lest once, but why do I care?

Finally p.e, my last class. I hates this class with a passion.

After I got dressed in my yellow gym shorts and my grey gym shirt I left the locker room and the teacher told us we were running the mile today and we were all going to the track. Most if the class groaned.

Once we were all at te track we stated running, but I didn't run, I don't run, I always walk when we do the mile.

As I was walking my tennis shoe lace came un done so I stoped by the bleachers to tie them. Then I had this sudden urge to look up and when I did my eyes met the most stunning piercing green ones. My heart skipped a beat when I saw who's eyes thought eyes belong to. The new guy, and he was HOT. He has black short spikey hair, mucles that I can see through his shit and his height seems to be about 6"2' I'm not sure though.

That's when he inhaled deeply and he started to walk towards me. My heart beat started to pick up as he approached. I wanted to get up and just walk away but I was frozen. As soon as he reached me the word that came out of his mouth confused me but the sound of his voice almost made me melt.



sorry about any grammar mistakes

but I really hope you guys like it, I just started making these so comment please and if you really like it pppllleaaassseeee vote!

thank you so much :D

I went from good girl to bad girl (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now