Artemis pov

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Getting up from bed was something I hated  to do most in my entire life but I have to get up and do all them necessities for that bitch of a mother and an asswipe of a father bloody bitches
I got up all tired as fuck I had people I had to kill at the warehouse and don't get me started with my sister she is a bloody bitch although I love her the most she would start to whine  now the devil her self came in
"What the hell you just woke you are meant to do the cooking and those bitches might be already awake" she said irritated
"I already cooked something yesterday but am just tryna microwave it today"
"You better did" she said "and also don't forget we have people to take care of I bloody miss my fun" she said dreamily

My sister is a real psychopath if you guys don't know she loves committing murder not like am any different but she is worse

"Yeah I know they set it up already"
"Ok meet you downstairs I have to prepare the table before the idiots are awake" she said leaving , and I rushed into the shower had my bath and covered my bloody body from teachers with long sleeve and jeans
I met her downstairs microwaved the food and off we were downstairs to school don't get me started we are both very rich but  for the sake of our shitty family we have to walk

Aphrodite POV
"Artemis don't you think it's time already to get through this shit and kill her already" I asked my twin
"I know right I have been thinking of it but I don't know why I can't get my self to do it" she said
"I really am going to I can't take it no more we are a whole mafia leaders and also psychos we kill hundreds of people but still can't kill them it makes me think we are weak" I said annoyed
"Yeah I gave it much thought I think we should I can't take the beatings from that man again it's too much and his tryna rape me" she said
"His what" I said with wide eyes
"Yeah I thought I would tell you his been threatening to do so for a long time"
"I will fucking killed them" I said turning to walk back  she then dragged me by my top
What the hell are you gonna do we have to go to school or does it not ring a bell on your head" she said to me
"I just want to strangle him" I said turning to walk
She then pushed me again
"You will not" she said giving me that deadly glare that no one could resist
"Fine"I said nonchalantly as we continued to walk into school she held so tightly onto me like I was gonna run or disappear

As we walked into the school
"Oh here comes the nasty bitch" Artemis said irritated already as Emma and her pack of fools came to us
"Look Artemis"she said pointing to me "you will not come to this school again"
"Hell no bitch you don't even know who you are talking about for goodness sake am Aphrodite Aphrodite it is"
I said coming closer to her with a creepy look
"I told you countless times to not accuse me when you don't even know who you fighting with" I said
"I don't care"she said  "you both are idiots and fools are meant to be address like thrash they are so I don't care who you both are"
I was tryna give her a piece of me when Artemis dragged me into the school living them there
"You should have let me to give her a piece of my mind"
"You will but not now I hate seeing her she irritates me"she said making a disgusted look as we walked in to the class
"You are late" said miss Barbie bitch
"We always were and always will" Artemis said out loud
Ooh the whole class shouted
"Amen to that" I said referring to what she said and the whole class laughed
She gave us a glare and went back to teaching  she started moving her boobs towards Ethan the man whore . She has fucked a lot  of the school bad boys she is a freaking pedophilia 

"Will you fucking teach us or would you keep shoving your boobs to his face his not the only freaking person in here" Artemis said disgusted

"Aphrodite"she yelled
'Why do I always have to be unlucky when Artemis makes a mess or does something I swear she enchanted everyone' I said laughing in my mind

"Please it's Artemis darling stop confusing us I did nothing wrong" I said sweetly

"Whatever" she said As she continued

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