Author's Note:

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I'm sorry to say this, but I have kinda given up on writing this story

I have no motivation at the moment to continue and finish this story and I have two other books to write, and a third one being started

But I have a compulsion to tell you how this story finishes:

We finished off in the last chapter with Bella and the Cullen's about to enter school together and the day is normal and only rumours are being spread about. She is confronted by Jessica and her friends and Emmett saves her from them, slightly gaining her trust

The next day, it's sunny and Bella goes to school alone and she shies away from everyone. To avoid Jessica, she walks into the trees surrounding the school and as she walks deeper into the trees, she is being followed by James. Just as James is about to ambush her, a vampire saves her and kills James. She finds out that the Vampire is wearing a black cloak and she doesn't know that it's Aro. He finds out about her blockage to his powers and disappears, but not before promising to see her again

Next, she returns to school and goes back home, seeing that eveeyone have gone on a hunting trip and she is left alone with Carlisle and Edward- cue awkwardness! She is examined by Carlisle and slips out that Charlie has got out of hospital and is in police custody.

She has a meeting with Green, the therapist person thingie, and answer questions about her experience with Charlie and her near-death drama. She finds out the day of Charlie's court case and is being asked to be witness at the trail. She reluctantly agrees and she explains why she no longer trusts the Cullen's, but agrees she must continue living in their household

Over the first week back at school, she slowly Starks to get back to normality and the only person she trusts now is Rosalie, especially after Rosalie told her life story. She wants to play a song from her mother's music book,  it is hesitant as its special to her and wants no one to hear her play.

Few weeks later, it's the day of the court case and Charlie is pleading not guilty. After many tense hours, Bella stands and tells her story, emotions at level thanks to Jasper. Finally, Charlie is found guilty and is sent away to prison for child neglect and attempted murder. Bella is relieved her father is away from society and she thinks everything is going to be alright

But this is Twilight, and only halfway through the story

A week and a half later, Jacob storms into the Cullen house and explain how the wolf pack have been chasing after Victoria and newborns. After many fights and meetings, both the Cullen's and the wolf pack agree to help each other out and the midnight training starts, just like in Eclipse.

Bella becomes good friends with Jacob and starts trusting the Cullen's again. When Edward saves her from being killed by a rogue newborn, she completely trusts him and they start having a relationship. One day, she plays the piano and Edward convinces her to play again, only making their relationship and love for each other even stronger.

When she's round Jacob's house, the wolf pack announce newborns are attacking and Jacob runs, promising that she will be safe. But Aro enters the house and explains who he is and why he's interested her. She runs away as Aro let's her go and she runs into the woods.

With no protection, she escapes into the woods and is stopped by Victoria, planning to avenge her mate's death. In this version, Victoria has the ability to control a vampire's body movements and when Edward appears she takes over him. Due to his inability to resist, he attacks Bella and forces himself upon her, stealing her purity.

Distressed and numb, Bella gives up the well to live and as she's about to die, Edward kills Victoria and bites Bella, eventually changing her into a vampire. Three days later, she emerges as a vampire and becomes scatty around the Cullen's, especially Edward

She decides to visit Aro as she remembers the Cullen's telling her vampires only disobey a law to get themselves killed by the Volturi. Just before she goes, she says goodbye to Jacob and his imprint, Susie

She travels to Italy and meets the Volturi, pleading for death. They refuse and ask her to join them. She declines and decides to reveal vampires to humans by stepping out into the sunlight. Just before she does, Edward and Carlisle stops her and plead  for her to stop.

She ignores them and steps out into the sunlight, and the Volturi capture her, sentencing her to death. The Cullen's plead for her life but Aro, reluctantly, gives out her punishment and she is instantly killed by pulling off her head, the Cullen's as a audience.

Ends in third person and explains how each of the Cullens have been affected. Carlisle works even harder at the hospital, Esme always wear a happy façade, Alice refuses to see the future anymore, Jasper is always tensed from the depressed emotions, Emmett isn't as happy-go-lucky as before, Rosalie is even more hostile towards humans and outsiders, Charlie is remorseful about how he has treated his daughter, Aro is regretting killing a vampire with useful abilities

And finally, Edward is lonely, depressed and after many years he ends up the same fate as Bella...

So, that's the story.

Sorry for not writing it all out but I got no motivation, plus this way you know what happens

Hope you liked the storyline, even if it is slightly depressing

Thanks for reading this book series and I'm sorry for not finishing it properly.

And thank you for everyone who have read this from the start and continued despite the long updates. I cannot comprehend how many people have read this series and said they liked it...I appreciate everything and everyone

But now it's goodbye from me on this particular story, and I hope I see you again on my other books

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2015 ⏰

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