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I always pictured love being a warm and reassuring feeling . Like being involved by the cosy blanket I had when I was little.

But seriously thou, what is even Love?

Where does that feeling come from? Why does it appear? When do you start to love someone? At what point? When?

"When was it?" I wonder

When I was little I also thought the day I would fall in love I would know right away, since love was supposed to be this huge felling, it would hit me right away. But I was wrong.

You see.. the thing about love is that even after you've known the felling.. you still know nothing about it, and at the same time you fell like you do.

Even when you become older and even if you fall in love with tons of different people, that felling of being the most powerful person in the world while at the same time being powerless, will never change.

Kinda weird huh?

If I where to go back in time and tell this to the little girl that loved her warm blanket, Im sure she would have thrown me a pair of confused eyes.

What Im trying to say is... No one can give you an answer for those questions, because you would have to explain what love is to begin with, and that is something you can't do.

I mean... Of course you can use words like I just did and try to give the idea, but you can't shape them in a way that would make other people know the felling.

Love does sound like a scary thing, huh? Like running with knifes that wont exitate to cut you if you fall.

So why do we want to fall in Love? We just do. Even if we are hurt like hell, and tell ourselves we will never fall again... deep down we still pray that someone will come and make us change our mind.

So why the hell do we act like masochists? I cant give you an answer.

In fact this whole conversation is pointless, I can't give you an answer to anything.

But I am gonna tell you a little secret that I came to realize, if you've already fallen in love... you already know the answer to all the questions about this emotion that triggers so many others, you just aren't aware of it, because you can't shape the words and tell it to yourself.

Then... if you can't tell yourself what love is... how can you even know you have fallen for someone? Again... you just do.

That person is the only one to stand out of the huge crowd, and her actions control your humor.

You just want to be by her side, and every piece of your heart misses her when your not.

She is the first thing you think about when you wake up,

The last one when you fall asleep,

And the one that appears in your dreams.


The name of the person who made me see love was more then my cosy and warm blanket.

The name of the person... who made my world become so much bigger.

Heey! Nice to meet you x3! I hope you like that although it got a little to lame xDD

Anyways, this is my my first work and also the first time I have shared my writing with someone for a while xDD.
If you have anything you think I should improve DO NOT HESITATE to tell me! I will not take it has an insult, the complete opposite, I would me very grateful since it would help me improve my writing ( ^w^). So yeah thats it. THAKS FOR READING IT~<3!!

❥ LOVE (Mikasa Ackerman x Female Reader/Morden AU)Where stories live. Discover now