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*Beep Beep Beep*


*Beep Beep Beep Beep*

“GEEZ! I GET IT!” You yelled at your phone grabbing it and turning the alarm off. The second you opened your eyes was the second you regretted staying up late reading manga.


“SHIT!!!!” You yelled, running into the bathroom to take “shower”, which was nothing more than having water run trough your skin, hey, if you wanted warm water and soap, you should have got up earlier ( good thing your gonna take a shower, cuz dat waz a major BUUUUUUURN~~, sorry I will let you keep reading now xD )

You jogged down your staircase while dressing your uniform, making sure to grab an apple from the kitchen before spiriting out of the door. What stopped you from jumping into your front yard was a certain familiar figure.

“MIKASA!!” You yelled, forgetting about your neighbors “IM SO SORRY!! I SLEPT IN! YOU SHOULDNT HAVE WAITED FOR ME THOUGHT!” 

“(Y/N)--” Your Childhood friend said

“COME ON!!” Not letting her finish, you grabbed her hand and started pulling her in the train station’s direction

“(Y/N)!” You heard your friends voice over your loudly footsteps, as she used her stregth to pull you back and make you listen to her.

“You didn't sleep in (Y/N).” Mikasa said holding her self phone in front of your face, so you could see the time properly.

“ …8:20?! Eh?? But how..?” 

“I changed the time in your phone. ” 


*Moments Later*

“How meaaaaaaaaaan~~”  you said taking a bite on your sandwich, since Mikasa decided that just an apple wasn't “a proper breakfast” “How could you Mikaa~~~? And to think I trusted you with my phone code...”

“If you spent ours waiting for someone every morning, you would understand” Said your black haired friend, while using her fingertips to wipe some bread crunches out of the conner of your mouth.

“Hmmm…. Mikasaaa, if you were more girly you would understand the time I take.” 

“I spouse.” The asian girl breathed out


“Hm? Whats so funny?” She asked,.

“You just used your catch phrase”


“Never mind~~” you said with a smile that could rip your face apart 

You were quite used to her “I spouse”s, she had been doing that ever since you knew her, wich was like, forever.

“Poor Eren… He had to go to school earlier, because of the detention Levi-Sensei gave him” You said, thinking about your friend, that was cleaning under your teacher’s vigilance “Still, its his fault for not shutting up during class! I warned him!” 

“If he does anything to him, I wont hold back.”

“Your just like an over protective mother Mikasa” You told her, laughing.

“I suppose” 

“And she finds use for her catch phrase again!! HAHA”

All Mikasa did was roll her eyes throw you a small yet sincere smile. 

You both kept walking down the streets silent. You were quite used to it by now, it wasn't the kind of silence that kills peoples conversations and leaves an awkward trail behind, but it was instead a living kind of silence…. like you didn't need words to communicate, each others company was enough.

Both of you kept walking, enjoying the refreshing breeze slide through your skins. It felt just like 10 years ago... You took a deep breath with your nose to try to catch a piece of spring  in the blowing breeze.

"Yup, just like 10 years ago." you said to yourself, closing your eyes.

"Eh? (Y/N) did you say something?" Your asian friend asked.

"Noooooope" You replied, keeping your eyes closed and not letting that satisfying smile leave your face.

Mikasa sighed and looked at the white clouds painted in the sky.

“Just like 10 years ago” she thought as she slowly closed her eyes and gave permission to the breeze, to gently whip her hair backwards.

*Flash Back (Mikasa's POV)*

It was a spring morning just like this 10 years ago, in the park.
I was eating a Chocolate crepee, in one of the benches, when I saw a (Hair/Coloured) girl pass in front of me with a  (favorite/type) crepee, she seemed pretty happy as she took bites from it, all this ended when she dropped it onto the ground.

"Ah...!" I remember seeing the tears making their way to her eyes, she looked really teared up. I quickly got up and made my way over to her.

"Here, you can have mine."I said, I couldn't stand seeing her like that.

"Eh? Are you sure??"

"I suppose..." I said wiping her tears with my sleeve "Its a chocolate one though... I don't know if you like it..."

"Thank you so much!! Hum.."

"Mikasa." I told her helping her up and handing her the snack.

"Im (Y/N)! Nice to meet you Mikasa-Chan! Ne, do you want to play with me?" I still remember the smile she gave me that time, like it was yesterday.

"Eh? Oh, sure." I never thought someone could change expressions so quickly. 

*End of flash back*

“(Y/N)! Mikasa!” A distant and kind voice broke the silence.

“Armin!” “Armin.” Both of you said after catching your other childhood friend running towards you too.

“Good morning!” The blonde said panting heavily while resting his hands on his knees.

“Did you ran all the way here?” Mikasa asked

“Yeah” The blue eyed boy answered, still trying to catch his breath

“Wow, Armin running, what a rare sight to see” You laughed out, throwing him an evil smirk.

“Speaking of rare things, how come you are here so early?” The blonde asked you.

“Burn.” Mikasa said slowly, keeping her frozen expression

All you did was glare at them and then march towards the train station.

Your friends followed you right behind, Armin laughing softly, and Mikasa smiling.

"I still don't know why.. But seeing her smile that time, really made me happy."  The chocolate creepe lover said to herself.

Done Biatcheeeeeeeeeez~~~Hope you liked it my kawaiiiiiiiiiiiis~~~~<3

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