Love Letter

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I look at this old picture
I see our faces so clear
Doesn't make this any easier
Only makes the tears flow easier
I miss this scent of you
But i know i'll never see you

I fear that you were to good for me
That god once again decided to punish me
I have so many thoughts
I wish to incoperate in this letter
But never have i ever

Seen anyone smile clearer
And heard a voice any prettier
I miss you
So don't cry as my hand reaches for a tissue
And you be in peace too

"Because i know these words are only words
I'll try to make them immortal
Write something that
Hopefully always makes you remember
That i love you❤️"

I don't know if in death you remember
That first letter i send you
It had the weirdest sentences
That i remember
I read it at your funeral
Making sure people knew
That those words were true

But i'll see yah later
And finally
I wrote one last love letter

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