The Day After

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(Narrators p.o.v)

        "Hey L, can we talk?" Light asked.

        "Light-kun, I don't feel the need to talk to you until the bell rings." L said.

(Lights p.o.v)

        'Wow he's not in a good mood today! i wonder what crawled into his pants? Cause it certainly wasn't me. Wait what?' I thought.

"Fine L, if you  do not want to talk fine. I don't know what I did ,but what ever." I said to him. I went to my locker and opened it about half way when


My locker was slammed shut. "Light-kun, you didn't do anything. I don't expect you to either. I would just like you to answer 1 question of mine. Can you do that for me?" L asked.

"If it has anything to do with grades I'm gonna be pissed, other than that fire away." I answered him.

"Why did you tease me at your house? I mean you must know I'm gay right? I know for a fact you aren't because you had a girlfriend 2 weeks ago. So why did you do it?" L said with a small frown at the end.

"L, I-I, if.. I.. Wha....Why" I started

(L's p.o.v)

 "L, I-I, if... I.. Wha....Why" He started.

" You know what I don't want to know. You can come to my house today after school. If Misa and Near have stuff to finish then bring her. If not we go to my house work then at 7:00 you can go home. I assume that's OK." I interupted. I turned not waiting for an answer. 'why would I ever try for a normal life? I don't get to really have anything I try for. My mothers in the hospital for Pete's sake! God i swear you hate me!'  I thought to myself. I grabbed my IPod and Hollywood undeads song Lion is playing. ( This is an actual song)

        I am a lion and i want to be free! Do you see a lion when you look inside of me? Outside the window just to watch you as you sleep. Cause I am a lion born from things you cannot be.

Remember an army of all those little kids? Livin' life like they only get a little bit. It's hard to fight when you're born in the middle-end.

I'd rather die than to watch you give in. I'm sorry daughter but your fathers not the same. I can look into your eyes and i swear that I will change. But tomorrow is tomorrow so forgive me if i say, you can hide beneath the covers while I hide behind the pain.

Bring Bring Bring.

'Damn I got math right now. Great I have to sit by Light-kun. He's probably pretty pissed off'. I thought. On my way to class someone grabs my arm and pulls me into the guys bathroom.

"What the hell?" I say then I gasp to see Light.

Light pushes me up against the wall and kisses me. After a couple seconds i register what happening and kiss back. His tongue slides across my bottom lip asking for entrance I decide to tease him. I whimper against his lips as he grabs my butt. "Your suppose to open your mouth when i kiss you." He mutters. "I don't-" But I'm cut off when he slips his tongue into my mouth and then I pull away.

"Not here Light." I say.

"Then were L?" He asks grabbing my waist.

"Come with me." I say then pull him out of the bathroom stop at my locker to grab my coat since it started raining. We go to his locker and he grabs his coat and we take off. We run to my house and I unlock the door. Once we get into my room Light grabs my hand and pulls me to him. "Why do we have to hide? Are you worried someone might see us?" He whispers into my ear and I shiver.

(Narrators p.o.v)

        Light was pleased with L's response so he pushes L onto his bed. He lowers his lips to L's ,but L turned his head and whispered "Light what are you doing? I want you to ask before you take please"L says and then winks. "Ok, L can I kiss you" Light askes. L wanted to tease him "I don't know can you?". Light laughs "Ok L can I kiss you?"


Ok Im sorry for this short chapter I know its only 734 words. (The actual story.) But I need you guys to leave comments on what should happen. I will try to update either tomorow or next week sometime. (No Promises) Thank you guys!!!

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