Rainy Days (Eula) - Chapter 1

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 She couldn't help but watch the raindrops on the trickle-down, gathering more and more speed as they raced along with the foggy glass. Eula let out a soft, drawn-out sigh, removing her silky gloves and placing them down on the table beside her. She had been sitting in her dreary office for over an hour now, the rain dulling her mood. Being cooped up had never been her style, nor was it something that she would enjoy. Often she could find herself reading a book when there was nothing else to do, but today she couldn't seem to focus on the blurry words.

The room was empty, aside from a couple of items of furniture, a wall of books, and her desk. She hadn't decorated much, nor did she ever plan to in the future. After all, if she ever moved offices then it would be much easier to clean up. The candelabra remained unlit and dull, the wax from before held midair in a drip.

Eula pushed herself up from the white velvet chair, closing the curtains to her window and flicking the light switch on in her room. Taking breaks was acceptable, but sitting around and doing nothing made her anxious. She took a minute to study the several books on the shelves, with a slight frown. Nothing worth looking through. It was rather frigid in the room, and Eula shivered slightly, rubbing her hands together to generate some friction. Perhaps she should take a walk around the headquarters. Maybe that would get her blood pumping.

Eula pushed the spruce door open with quite some force, and there was a startled gasp from someone on the other side as it hit them. Eula's eyes widened.

"Outrider-! I- My apologies, are you hurt?" She asked, quickly rushing to Amber's side to usher her up. Eula offered her hand, pulling the alarmed girl to her feet.

"Oh, no, I'm alright, just a bit bruised. It was my fault anyway, I should've knocked-"

"You were coming to visit me?"

She nodded, an eager smile on her face. She appeared to be beaming even after body-slammed by a door. Eula seemed surprised at her excitement, perhaps even a bit frightened at how she took a hit like that and simply sprung back up.

"I convinced Jean to take a rest and take on some of her duties."

"And what does this have to do with me?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to come? Master Jean said I should take someone with me, and you were the first one who popped into my mind. Kaeya said you had been cooped up in here all day cause of the rain... Thought maybe you'd like to come with me on a little walk?"

"Kaeya?" Eula hesitated for a moment. Since when did that lazy halfwit pay any attention to what she did? She let out a sigh of annoyance, before turning her attentiveness back to Amber. "I suppose it would be nice to get out for a while. But don't you want to wait for it to stop raining?"

"We can bring umbrellas. It's not ideal but... I didn't want Jean going out and catching a cold."

"Well, I don't want you catching a cold either. Bring a coat and meet me in the main hall then," Eula huffed, going back into her office to grab some items to travel with. For once she felt eager to get out, especially with Amber. That girl always brought a smile to her face, rather unwillingly she might add, supposedly so according to Jean. Although many knights seemed to get on her nerves, Amber was someone she could admire for her courage. The outrider was a sensible person, more so than some of the other knights. She might even go as far as to consider her a friend. She would never admit that out loud, of course. Eula sighed, grabbing an umbrella.

Amber was waiting out in the main hall, just as she had instructed, waiting for Eula. She was wearing a red coat, that draped down to her ankles, covering her legs. Eula wondered whatever she thought would make it reasonable to wear shorts on a freezing day. Her hair was tied in a tidy ponytail, wrapped around a crystal core. Even while tied up, it fell to her waist. Of course, she still had her headband, with the two pieces of fabric sticking up. Eula never understood the choice to wear it like that. Perhaps it was meant to resemble some sort of rabbit, like the plush she always seemed to carry around. Seemed unsensible, but she wasn't truly in a place to judge with her own odd getup.

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