Exhausted - Steve

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I wrote this when I was super exhausted and had a long and hard ass day, and got the idea because i'm lonely asf and I was depressed as shit, lowkey really wishing I had Steve there. This was originally written in 1st person so if there's any mistakes, that's why. So, enjoy fluffy Steeb.

Word count: 1.1k


The only thing on her mind is the feeling of getting into bed. She could fall asleep at any point now. She makes the trek back to her room, her eyes only half way open and every step aching and bruised. Thirteen hours straight and thirteen thousand cuts later, the mission is finally over. It's easily the longest and most draining mission she's ever been on. They usually take half this time, but the targets were much more careful and prepared that they were coming, so it took longer to execute it, find them, and shut everything down. It may be normal for everyone else to have a mission last longer than usual every once in a while, but its newer for her, since she's a newer Avenger. She's been there officially as an avenger, for six months, but this is the first longer mission she's gone on. And she really had to prove herself. And that meant giving all she had. And she has barely anything left. She's on 1% power.

She clutches her doorknob and turns it, walking into her room and closing the door behind her, looking to see if she has to close any curtains when she sees Steve sitting on her bed. He looks up at the sound of the door closing and frowns slightly, seeing how exhausted she looks. They were on the mission together, so he knows how much it tired her out, but with the increasing members of the Avengers, they had to take separate quinjets. It's an unspoken rule that the original six get their own and the newers get the other one.

Being so drained caused all of her social abilities to go out the window, and all she can be is completely transparent. She exhales relievedly at seeing him, her shoulders dropping and the bubble that is her resistance to crying, pops.

"Steve.." She says, tears pooling in her eyes.

He gets up as soon as he hears the shakiness in her voice and comes over to her.

"I know baby.. You did so good today."

He wraps his arms around her, giving a kiss to her forehead, and pulls her to his chest. She lightly wraps her arms around his chest, interlocking her fingers at his back to keep her arms from falling from the tiredness. She takes a big exhale as the tears just pool out into his shirt. He does all he needs to do, just stands there with her, rubbing her back and keeping her close through her tired sobs, right where she needs to be.

He's practically holding her up at this point. If he were to back away without warning, She'd surely fall. But if he were to stay longer, she could fall asleep like this. An uncontrollable hum escapes as she eases further into his embrace and the tears stop and it's just exhaustion.

"Do you think you can shower? Or do you want a warm bath?" He suggests, now rubbing her arms. "I know it would feel great. I can go start one for you if you want."

It does sound great . The warm water on her achy muscles. She just knows she'd fall asleep in there. But she knows that she wouldn't have the energy to get to that point. She just needs to sleep. She couldn't stay awake for the whole time in the bath. She just couldn't.

"I want to..m'too tired." She mumbles.

"Okay, I'll get some pajamas for you. Do you want my favorite shirt? Hm?"

The way they can shift from being these strong and tough avengers, to soft and sweet in they're personal lives is something she really values and didn't know was so important to her until she "joined" this life.

She nods, her eyes fully closed at this point and her head pointed up at him.


He presses a soft kiss to her slightly cut lips.

"Let me go get it."

He lets go of her and it shows how hard it is for her to stand straight at the moment. She focuses on trying not to fall over and stands still until she feels his touch on her arm again.

"I'll help you change okay?"

She nods.

"Put your arms up."

She does as he says and her arms weightedly drag up until theyre in the air. He lifts her shirt off and she puts her arms back down once its gone. She feels his fingers work her bra strap and the pieces unhinge, causing a low moan. Taking your bra off after a long day just feels great doesn't it? It's weird that it doesn't feel sexual at all, it could be that she's just that tired, but it's also because she knows he won't try to do anything. She trusts him that much.

"Arms up one more time baby."

She does so and she feels his soft shirt slide down onto her body and she sighs. Her favorite blue t-shirt of his happens to be his favorite too. It's like a tug of war game between them for it. 

She brings her arms down and the smells the faint smell of his cologne from previous times he's worn it, and the overall smell of the washing detergent still lingering causes a happy hum from her.

"Here, sit down but don't fall asleep okay?"

"No prom'ses." She mumbles as he sits her down on the edge of the bed.

He chuckles and gets her pants unbuckled and slides them off, another relieving feeling.

"Do you have any makeup on?"

She groans a little, knowing she does have some on. She always takes it off before bed, She can't sleep without doing it, but right now, she could care less.

"Okay, you sit here and ill take it off for you."

He leaves her and she hears the bathroom light switch on, followed by the sound of him opening the small linen closet storing most of her toiletries.

"I watch you do it almost every night so i'm pretty sure I know how to do this." He says, coming back to her and kneeling down in front of her so her body can continue to hang forward.

She feels the damp cotton pad on her cheek and starts rubbing anything off her face. It's not too much makeup, but dirt and smoke mostly.

"You can wash your face in the morning but you should at least get this off now. I know you can't sleep with it on."

She frowns as he moves the pad to the other side.

"What?" He asks.

She squints her eyes open.

"Your so good t'me babe.. Mmm..Love you so much."

He smiles at the cuteness of it all and kisses her softly.

"I love you too beautiful, I'm almost done."

He wipes her face for another minute or so, carefully rubbing over her eyes, getting any mascara or anything else off, before he stops and discards of the pads, putting everything back.

"Okay, c'mon." He says, helping his adorably exhausted girlfriend up and leading her to bed.

He helps her lay down and she exhales deeply.

"Feel good?"

"Mmmm." Is all she can make out.

He chuckles and gets in on the other side. He moves the covers over them and she uses up the last of her energy to cuddle up to him. By the time he can say goodnight, she's already asleep.

"Love you babe."

"Mm." She responds in a half asleep state.


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