Sleepover Bash 4.0

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"The party has arrived!" Kole whisper-screamed.

"Dear heavens." Red Arrow rolled his eyes.

"Just shut up." Bumble Bee hugged Kole.

"I'm not even complaining!"

The girls turned to give him evil eye.

He grumped. "Mean women."

Cheshire hit him. "How dare you call me mean?"

He opened his mouth before shutting it.

"Now you're learning." Bumble Bee patted his head.

"Hey!" He moved his head before rubbing his own hand over it.

"You and your hair." Argent rolled her eyes.

"Just because you don't care about how you look,...-"

"Hey!" Hot Spot actually wanted to laugh but didn't want Argent to turn her smoldering look on him.

Argent hugged her boyfriend. "Thank you, babycakes! Shut up, Red Arrow!"

Red Arrow mocked her before running away when she took a step forward.

Bumble Bee rolled her eyes. "Come on. We're in Terra's room."

"Yay." Cheshire said dryly. "A lot of rocks."

"Nice to know your sunny disposition hasn't left postpartum."

"I'm always sunny."

"Girls, play nice." Kole reminded them.

"I'm going to check on my babies." Bumble Bee led the way to the lift.

The girls followed her, leaving the boys to grimace and thank their lucky stars that they got along- mostly.


Terra looked around her room as the girls settled down. "Yay! Our first sleepover since the babies were born!"

Starfiire clapped happily. "I adore my bumgorfs but I do need a break!"

Raven blew out a breath. "Yes!"

"Oh yeah!" Bumble Bee laid back on the floor.

Jinx nodded. "Yup!"

"I don't know." Kole wrapped her arms around her legs. "I think I'm ready for another one. I mean I'm tired all the time but every time I see Junior's little toothy smile, I go all gooey inside."

The moms melted. "Yeah..."

"Aww!" Argent frowned. "I want a baby! I swear Isaiah needs to hurry up and propose!"

"Why don't you?" Bumble Bee asked.

Argent paled. "What?!"

"It's 2016. A woman can ask a man to marry her."

Argent shook her head with wide eyes. "I can't do that!"

"Why not?!" Starfire demanded.

"What if he says no?!"

"Honestly, I'd find someone else to date." Bumble Bee frowned.

"Me too!" Jinx scowled.

"But she loves Hot Spot!" Terra's blue eyes widened.

"So she's supposed to be a kept woman her whole life either not having kids or having kids out of wedlock?" Bumble Bee raised a brow.

Terra pouted. "I've been thinking. Aqualad said he'd propose next year and he's never lied to me but I can't shake this feeling like he's just holding me off."

Sleepover Bash 4.0Where stories live. Discover now