the mall

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today was boring but were going on a fill trip in two weeks. where going to paris to meet up with some other kids from paris to show us around but i don't think paris is really my thing.
my mom haves been trying to make me go cause she says ill meet more people but i don't think so, ive always been a loner at school, well some times but my best friend tony is like a brother to me.
Rose always walks home with me now, it makes me really happy.
"Hey you coming today?" I said as I walked over to Tony who was talking to Emily and Lily. "Yeah" he said smiling with a pink bow in his hair.
Tony was like his mother but looked just like his dad with red hair, green eyes, and a cricked smile that complete his bad boy style. All the girls thought he was cute but he is a wild party boy and I guess that's what girls like?
After school Tony and me went to my house and played games until my mom yelled for dinner.
After dinner we went back to my room and started getting ready for bed.
"Hey doesn't rose live infront of you?" Tony asked looking out the window at her house. "Yeah, why?" I said yawning and walking to the window.
"Cause, her and Amber are changing and I'm enjoying the view" he said leaning out the window.
"Dude! Why the hell are you watching them!" I said slapping him with a pillow and making him hit the floor. "I can't help it! I'm a boy!" "Yeah, but still!" I said walking to the window to shut it, as soon as I got to the window I noticed that roses Window was kinda open and I seen what Tony was talking about!
I blushed and shut the curtain fast jumping on to my bed.
"Have you asked her out yet? I Mean you two are actually pretty close everyone thinks you're dating" Tony said laying on the foot of the my bed. "Where just friends and I don't think she likes me like that anyways" I shrugged and turned over.
"Dude she kisses you on the cheek sometimes that's a sign you know?" he said with a cricked smile. "Yeah yeah let's not talk about it ok" I said pushing him over and turning off the light. "Oh come on she loves ya" he said moving around "wait how do know that?"
"Dude, everyone knows she likes you she even talks about you when your not around,she really likes you" I smiled and thought to my self for a bit.
The next day my dad took me and Tony to the mall, we met up with the others and went skating and after a while we all went shopping.
"I'm pooped" Tony said rapping his arm around charlet. Charlet was my sister she is only one year younger then me but she likes Tony and he likes her back, I only let them date cause I know how Tony is.
"So am i" charlet said laying her head on Tonys shoulder. "What do u guys wanna do now?" I asked setting back in my chair.
"I'm sleepy and tired" Tony said, "wanna go home?" I asked, "Sure, it beats setting around here" Tony said getting up. "I'll call my dad and tell him to pick us up" I said walking off and pulling out my phone and calling my dad to pick us up.
"Hey toby" Lucy said smiling and appeared around the corner. "Uh! Hey what's up?" I said and smiled, "nun I was shopping with some friends how about you?" She said rapping her arms around me. Lucy had blonde hair and blue eyes she talked a lot about people and was kinda mean to rose and charlet.
"Uh! Um the same heh" I said backing up a little, "you know your getting taller" she said, "yeah I've been working on it" I smiled and scratched the back of my head nervous.
"Well maybe we should get together some time and have some fun. "Um sure, but I'm kinda busy right now heh" I said finally getting out of her arms, out of no where she comes close and kisses me on the lips!
I pulled away and seen rose was watching she had a sad look on her face. "I uh.. rose wait" she was walking off quickly with her head down I started to go after her but someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
"What the hell?" I turned around and seen Lucy was the one who grabbed me. "Where you going handsome?" She smiled, I pulled my arm away from her "to my best friend" I said and walked away to find rose.
"Rose wait I need to talk to you" I grabbed her hand to stop her from walking away, "what do you want?" She said looking off to the side, "are you ok?" I asked turning her face to me.
"I'm fine I just need time to my self.. why Don't you go to your girl she looks kinda lonely" she said looking down, "do you really think i would really go for someone who can't keep their mouth shut?" She looks up "seems like it" she said.
"Look theirs only room for one girl In my heart and that's not her and it never will be, if anything that girl is you" I said smiling at her as she blushed.
"Since when?" She asked smiling and blushing a bit."Since I met you" I smiled and hugged her. "Really?" She started smiling more "yes your a beautiful girl and any guy would be happy just to have you in their arms right now".
She smiled and hugged me tight, I hugged her back and saw charlet and Tony smiling like hell, I blushed a little but making a face to tell them to leave but It didn't work much. I looked back at rose trying to ignore the two idiots making kissing faces.
I swear those two never keep their nose out of other people's business! I looked at roses face she was smiling, she looked so beautiful when her strawberry red hair got in her face. I couldn't help my self, I reached in and kisses her soft lips.

Ok I'm so sorry I haven't been able to right any more chaps it's cuz I've been sick,having a bad back, and leaving to see famiy and stuff but I've also been running out of ideas for new chaps so if you guys have anything you want me to put or add just text it to me or put it in the comments I don't mind and sorry if I miss spelled anything and made the chap to short but bye bye

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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