r u l e s

115 10 0

{rule one}
I only do third person roleplays. Sometime I will do first/third
(ex: I walked beside you, holding my head up high.)

{rule two}
There will be mature themes. This included gore, drugs, alcohol, language, sex, mental health, etc.

{rule three}
Do not use text talk while roleplaying. It is only expectable if the characters are texting or if you are talking to the owner

{rule four}
There is only one owner. Please be patient with me. Also do not be rude to the owner or you will be blocked.

{rule five}
Each character has three limits. This means one character will have three roleplays with different people. Once the list is full, I will choose the best roleplay.

{rule six}
All characters have different ages depending on the roleplay. They are located in the intro and will list the ages the character can play.

{rule seven}
Do not control my characters

{rule eight}
If you are roleplay with my characters, do not use them!

{rule nine}
Drama is required. Please tell me before adding big dramas and I will do the same.

{rule ten}
Also roleplay with the girls or the boys will be off limits.

{rule eleven}
Have fun!

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