Chapter Six

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Rachel and Finn walk into the Auditorium. Rachel was certainly surprised on how amazing it looked. The school obviously cares about the arts at one point. She could almost hear the cheers as she imagined being up on stage.

"So, what song are you thinking?" Finn asked, bringing her from her daydream.

"I think it might be worth you choosing, Finn. As most of my songs are from Broadway" Rachel comments.

"But aren't most of their songs all depressing and stuff?" He asks, slightly confused. Rachel shakes her head and laughs lightly.

"You don't really watch many musical shows, do you?" She asks.

"Not really." He admits, stroking the back of his neck. "But, I think a good song for us would be Counting Stars. You know, it's one of them songs you can't help but sing along too, and it's just one dance too without knowing." Finn says.

"Fun, upbeat and danceable. I think that ticks all of the boxes." Rachel admits. Although her mind couldn't help but wander what song her and Santana would of sung together.

"Good, good." Finn smiles. A few moments of silence dawn's upon the two, Rachel still thinking of Santana, and Finn could tell. "Hey, I'm sorry if you wanted to work with Santana. I know I sorta pushed working with me onto you." Finn apologises. And Rachel suddenly felt guilty. Finn had been so kind to her, and here she is thinking about someone else to sing with.

"I agreed, Finn. I wanted to work with you." Rachel smiles as she reaches out and squeezes his shoulder, although she did have to reach slightly to do so.

"Rachel, you're kinda easy to read. I know that you wanted to work with Santana. I get it, she's a great singer. But... I'm also the lead vocalist on the glee club for a reason. So maybe try see how good we are together?" He says with a grin, one that Rachel couldn't help but return.

"You're right, I'm sorry." She says. "So, you wanna start practising?" She asks.


Santana and Quinn had found a empty classroom not far from the choir room, and the two entered it. Santana instantly walking over to the teachers chair and relaxing in it, her feet onto the desk.

"Making yourself at home I see" Quinn comments as she sits on the edge of the desk. Santana shrugs as she inspects her nails.

"Why not? Its not like anyone can stop us." Santana replies. Quinn scans over Santana with as her eyebrow perked up.

"So, we gonna ignore the fact you originally blew me off to work with Berry?" Quinn asks, noting the flash of worry that dawned upon Santana's face before she smirks at the blonde.

"Well, I like torturing her, she's incredibly easy to get a rise out of. And, she's not the worst singer" Santana replies, keeping her eye on Quinn.

"That the only reason?" Quinn asked as the two held each others eyes. As if they were trying to see the ulterior motive to what they say. But, the two knew how the other acted to hide it.

"I want that duet. I'm sure you and Artie are just as fixated on it. If I have to work with the Hobbit more to get it, then I'll do that." Santana answers. Quinn seemed to accept that answer as she nods tightly.

"Now that's out of the way, we should choose a song. I've got a few in mind, obviously." Quinn prepares to tell Santana her choices, but she already had a song choice in mind.

"Hot and Cold." Santana states. Quinn quirks her eyebrow up at Santana. "Look, it's a great song. Its a song we both have danced our asses off too at party's, its upbeat. And it's sexy. A trademark of me." Santana states, using her hand to draw attention to her body.

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