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They rubbed their eyes, their head slowly sinking down to meet the desk. Sam lazily glanced up at the clock. Twenty minutes left. Huzzah... they thought weakly, their mind clouding with fuzz. The teacher droned on as the clock ticked away, the day escaping them once again.

Strange symbols erupted, dancing and swirling across desks and walls alike. Sam couldn't tell if they were dreaming at first, but then realized that the fuzz was clearing, and everyone was panicked.Heather, their age-long friend gave them a look of horror and panic, seizing Sam with fear as icy claws grasped their heart. This is real. It's all... real!

The Symbols continued, bathing everything in a white so pale, so pure, that soon it looked as though only shreds remained of the world. With one last panic-stricken glance, Heather disappeared from view, swallowed by the pale void.




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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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