T-Minus 4

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It's two days until Valentine's Day, it's also the day that marks month five. January came and went fast as hell.

I'm so over being pregnant already. The being tired all the time, the sickness, the weird ass cravings, my irksome ass uncle.

If he wasn't as annoying as he is, I could probably handle this. Unfortunately, he nags and whines and complains about any and every thing. If I eat more than three pieces of pizza, he's down my throat. If I ordered the pizza, I'm going to eat my pizza. The fuck?

I had another appointment the other day, and at the next one, I find out what I'm having. At first I was skeptical about knowing the gender, but then again, I wanna be prepared. I want a girl, but if I got a boy, I wouldn't mind. It makes no difference.

My stomach is noticeable now. Like really noticeable. My walk is all fucked up. I feel like a duck, doing the damn lean wit' it, rock wit' it. And Sneak and Rod don't make it any better. One of them always has something to say, like please shut the hell up. Annoying ass niggas.

I've been to a therapist, and as of now, she, August, and his immediate family know what really happens and has happened to me. Talking to her really helps me keep calm and keep moving everyday. Mrs. Mendel is a great woman, and can relate to my situation. Instead of her uncle, it was her stepdad. And with her messed up life, she found someone to love and start a family with her.

Speaking of Mrs. Mendel, I'm going to my biweekly session with her now. I listened to Chris Brown's With You as I drove.

"Girl, you're my all." I sang along. August wanted to come to one with me, but I felt like I could do this on my own. I feel like I overbear people with my problems anyway. I need a way to not necessarily cope with, but handle my problems.

As I pulled into the parking garage of her office, my phone buzzed around in the passenger seat. I waited until I parked to look at who it was.

Big Daddy Aug 😍🍆
Missed Call

I'll call him in a minute. I grabbed my phone and purse, and got out. I don't know why, but there was an eerie feeling floating around. I felt like I was being watched. If it's ole girl, all I know is that the bitch better not touch my damn car. She totaled my 740, like there was no way in hell that that car would have ever been the same again.

The name, or nickname, X still doesn't ring a bell to August. That's how you know he was a little hoe. I feel like the girl is some abnormal, mentally disabled chick. With no morals. From what I've been told, and what I've pieced together, August doesn't do relationships. I don't even know how we have what we have. Therefore, this chick is not all the way there.

I shook my nervousness and made my way into the building. I rode the elevator to the 6th floor, and waddled down the hall to her office. I signed in, and waited for her to come get me. In the meantime, I decided to call Aug back. I slid my finger across the notification and waited for him to answer.

"Helluh?" His voice came through.

"I was calling you back. What's up?"

"You at therapy right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just checkin'." He sounds distant. I wonder what's wrong with him.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm cool." You could hear his annoying ass friends in the background rapping and telling him to pass the blunt. I chuckled.

"So, you're getting high?"

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