A Conversation is Initiated

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The deep voice of the twenty year old Vrishketu brought out the empress of Aryavarta from her stupor. She turned around to face the lad , her brows crumpled,  exhibiting her failed attempt to mask her confusion at his sudden appearance without any prior announcement .

"Yes putra ...?"

The Queen quickly replied concealing the fact that lately she had been distracted by numerous thoughts and dilemmas. Stately matters they were ,of course but their possible results may impact the royal family too in various personal ways.

Seven years had gone by after the horrific battle of the Mahabharata.After that not only the population had declined but the economy of the state had also gone towards South. The righteous Emperor of the State, Dharmaputra Yudhisthira, after many failed attempts to restablish Aryavarta at its former glory asked for Sri Krishna's interference .

The Ninth Avatar of Vishnu had advised him to perform the great Ashwamedha Yagya which would give him undisputed access to all the resources of gold and raw materials making his task of financial restoration easier. The Emperor had immediately granted his consent to Shri Krishna.

But, the Queen could not . Her wounds were still very much raw from the war that had taken away everyone whom she held dear other than her husbands . It was true she was a Kshatriya woman of the highest order . But her eyes had turned sore from the sight of sanguine . The red fluid reminded her of her humilation and vegenance also the corpses of her loved ones.

Revenge was indeed a double edged sword , Draupadi had learned it the hard way . She was no doubt an ideal wife and queen but her motherhood had rarely got a chance to bloom. She had missed the most beautiful experience of witnessing her children grow up in front of her eyes.

It was true her humilation had to be avenged . But was it the sole reason for the war ? Was it not true that Dharma had to be established ? Was that not why Krishna himself had been in the Pandava's support ? Had she not suffered like others ? Had she not been punished enough for her unwillingness to forgive and forget ?

Still the subjects who lost their near ones had accussed her of arrogance and cruelty . The people of Aryavarta had the deep rooted belief that their King and Queen were their divine guardians. But now the Samragni thought that the people could never look upon her as a motherly figure.

Anyways it was the truth and she had become habituated to live with the truth , no matter how bitter it was.

"So will you please Kakishri ...?"

The near hesitant voice of the young man present in her chamber again rang in her ears. She realised that she had completely missed out on what Vrishketu had to say .

"It's completely fine if you don't Kakishri"

This comment passed on by her nephew made her almost shoot a glare towards him.

But she did n't, instead she put on a regal smile and said , "A conversation does n't work like that ,Putra"

The boy now lifted his gaze from the floor and stared directly on her face . He opened and closed his mouth but it was clear he could not make out what the lady in front of him wanted to convey.

Draupadi shook her head in the manner that mothers do when they spot their child in a stupid position and gave a lop sided smile .

"You say something to me and I reply. I say something to you and you do the same. "

"What do you mean Kakishri ?" He asked in an almost baffled tone.

"Being the Queen I have my own duties and responsibilities but that does not in any way imply that I lack interest in your words putra"

The Prince understood that his words were missed out by the regal lady . But at this point he did not know whether to repeat himself or to depart from there . It had taken him some time to finally concede to his grandmother's demand and come here but to speak in front of Agnijaa had cost him the sort of courage which could be mustered up with difficulty for once .

No doubt, he had been living with the Pandavas since seven years and his doting uncles never let any harm befall on him. But still he felt like the discarded bark of an uprooted tree which was trying its best to adjust itself on its neighbouring mate so that it could survive. The sense of belonging had still not been evoked in his heart at least not in the complete and absolute form.

And his relationship with his 'Kakishri ' was stressed. Not because there was too much passionate hatred or disrespect between them but the lack of any kind of emotional attachment . Whenever he saw her a known wave of anger surrounded him reminding him that he had lost his family and friends to a bloody war in the most ghastly manner possible just to give that lady her vegenance. And it was followed by guilt as to whatever had transpired in that cursed Dyut Sabha. As a result of clash and conflict between the two emotions his feelings were turned neutral .

"I think I shall take my leave"
He said finally resorting to his second choice and facing around .

"No wait , Putra" She replied as she stood up from the setee, making the lad freeze at his position. No one could ever deny the impact of the royal aura she possessed.

Vrishketu turned his face around slowly rewinding his posture. His expression was unreadable but in the light of the diya that stood nearest to him it was seen that a few folds of skin had formed on his forehead.


To be continued

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