I'm sorry.

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March, Friday 22nd, 2021 4:03am - 4:14am

I'm feeling like shit. I made this to see if I'm improving in anyway. I'm listening to Sweater Weather rn. Such a bop, yk? Anywho onto how I feel. I feel like just ending my life. Right now I feel like I'm in my darkest place. I feel like I ruined everything because of my angerment. Everyone is realizing it too. Am I really this much of a dick? I feel like everyone would be so much more better without me. Like if I ended things rn everyone would be perfectly fine. I feel like even if I've saved lives they're just saying that so they don't feel guilty whenever I'm actually dead. I clearly haven't saved lives. I'm no hero. Im not even a side character im just the need who follows trends and acts like the, 'I'm Not Like Other Girls😝😍😇😊😉🥶😎🥳😈😩' person. I feel like a fake. I feel like I'm worthless and just complete shit. I feel like no one even cares about me. I feel like I should've never been given to earth. I feel like I should just give up, maybe even just leave social media, and everyone would be so much happier. Like I feel like a burden wherever I go. I don't feel like a God anymore. I don't feel pretty. I dont feel smart, or special, or different. I feel alone. I can't even tell people who 'care' about me because I'm such a fucking pussy. I hope I fucking die. It'll be so much better for everyone if I just left. I hate myself. I hate my nose. I hate my weight. I hate my voice. I hate my style. I hate my phone. I hate my face. I hate my forehead. I hate my mouth. I hate my ever lasting breaths. I don't know how I'm there for anyone and can save anyone when I'm barely there myself but we'll see tomorrow I guess.

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