The "main" pt 2 💙

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Me and kairi are about to get inside the car when a shirtless Mattia grabs my wrist I look at him and kairi pulls me to him

Mattia fuck off she gave you so many fucking tries and you fucked it up so let me treat her better then you could ever

Mattia stands there in shock and annoyance Mattias about to say something when kairi wraps his arm around me

No fuck off she waisted 3 hours on you now I'm gonna have her for 3 hours and she's gonna have the best time of her life something you couldn't give her...

He paused and obviously hesitated then looked at me

Love and attention

He looked back at mattia leaving me with all different shades of pink...or red Kairi seems to notice the anger building up inside of Mattia

What? Mad cause I have the girl of your so called dreams even though you cheated or are you mad cause she doesn't give a shit?

Y/n look Im sorry I never meant for any of this


Mattia your only sorry cause you got caught if I didn't see kairi you still would've been sleeping with that Fucking slut

I scoffed and me and kairi walked to the car

Third person POV

As the rain grew stronger Mattia didn't even bother putting his shirt on he just stood there, hair all wet tears going down his cheek y/n and Kai sat down and they drove away leaving Mattia "heart broken" and regretting all of his decisions.He had just lost someone who couldn't be replaced someone who wasn't like the rest someone who cared only about him.someone who loved him differently,someone that put him first before they're needs, he had lost the one and only person who stood out from the rest. She was now with his bestfriend Mattia never spoke to anyone again he left social media because he began to stress not having the one person who motivated him to do his best the one who helped him edit and made him feel stress free. His grades dropped lower and lower every month half of the school forgot about him he was just...a normal kid...he never wanted fame,girlfriend,money, hate and now all he asks was all of that back he didn't care about the social media he only wanted her back. After graduation day he did in fact graduate but was never heard of again.

Word count: 427

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