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Annie's POV


I woke up at 6 in the morning. I immediately got up and go straight in the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth and then opened the shower to bathe. After I finish all that, I walked out of the bathroom wearing my towel to change into my clothes. 

After changing, I took my hair brush and brushed my hair immediately and look at the clock. It took me 20 minutes to prepare for school. I don't really do make-up's and stuff. Just like today, I only wear black tank top, orange lace long sleeves jacket to cover it and jeans. I have a natural wavy hair, so, I don't have to do anything to it. And to complete my outfit, I have my one and only favorite high cut boots. It's my favorite because, it's all I have. Yep, one pair of boots. *laugh sarcastically*

Once I'm done preparing, I go downstairs to go to the kitchen and prepare breakfast for all of us. It's already 6:25 in the morning and I only have 20 minutes to prepare breakfast and then 15 minutes to go to school because the class starts at 7am and I don't wanna be late. I don't wanna ruin my early bird reputation in school, you know?

The breakfast I prepared was just the typical bacon and eggs with toast bread. As I was putting it on the plates, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I didn't have to look because I know it's just Jake. We are in the same school and he will be graduating this year as Senior. I envy him because he wouldn't be going to school after that. And I, on the other hand is graduating in my Junior year. *sigh* I wish to fast forward time, so that I can graduate immediately.

"Hey, cheeky. Good morning!" Jake greets me as soon as he walked in the kitchen.

"Oh, shut up. Stop making anymore endearment, please." He always makes endearments like that to annoy me. And it is working.

"HAHAHA! Why? Don't you think it's cute? It compliments your cheeks," he continued laughing and I just rolled my eyes. He will not stop if I continue arguing.

"Fine, go grab your breakfast. And as for me, I will go ahead to school, so that I won't be late," I said as I grab my bag and go straight to the door.

"Hey, wait up! Why won't you ride with me to school? Kate, you don't have to mind other people's story, you know?" He asked.

"Jake, you know my answer to that right? And this is not only about other people. I wanna do this. I want this for myself, okay?" I sighed, and walked out of the door. 

I know he just care for me. I want to go to school by myself, and it's not because other people may talk about me and Jake. It's because I want to be independent. He will be graduating and we will be separated by our own paths soon. So, I have to decide for my own sake. They may think that I am weak. But, I want to prove myself that I am not what they think I am.


I arrived in school at 6:55am, and I still have 5 minutes to go to my locker before the bell rings. On my way to my locker, someone puts his arm around my shoulder. I know it's a male because of the weight and the looks of the arm. I didn't have to look because his smell is too familiar for me and as I said before, I only have few close friends.

"Good morning, rabbit! How are you today?" He greeted me with laugh at the end.

"Good morning to you too, George. I'm fine and can you not call me names and stuff, please?" Yep, he's George. He's the only son of Gigi and Jackson. And I know, you're wondering why he's also calling me with nicknames. It's because he is Jake's best friend and they both want to annoy me. Lucky me, huh?

"Oh, sweetie. You know I can't right? HAHAHA" And there he goes again, I don't know what I will do with these two guys. *sigh*

We arrived in front of my locker and I got my books and stuff inside. 

"Hey K, where is J by the way? You didn't ride with him going to school again?" George asked. We usually use our name's first letter. It's like a nickname that only me and my closest friend uses. As for me, my close friends calls me Kate , so they used the letter K for my nickname.

I looked at him, "G, you already know my answer to that right? I just wanna do this for myself, okay?"

"We know, and you also know that we are just worried about you right? We don't care if other people may talk about us. We just wanna make sure that you are okay." He answered seriously.

"I know, but please. Just this once? I wanna do something for myself. For my sake, okay?" I answered pleading.

"Okay, I know that we won't win against you. But, can you promise us that you will take care of yourself? And if you need any help, you will call or mind-linked us as soon as possible, please?" 

"I promise," I answered. "Okay, we have to go to our classroom now or we will be late." I added.

"Okay, take care." He said and kissed me in my head. It wasn't a surprise because Jake and him are both like that every time. They treat me like their own little sister. Some people thinks it's disgusting, some people thinks that I am just using them and some people just really don't care. Well, before it really gets to me what others are thinking, but I just get over with it in time.

When I arrived in front of our classroom, I looked around and see few people are inside. I entered the room and as soon as I got to my sit the bell rings. 

Well, let's get this over with...


Thank you very much again!

Love lots and take care! 💕💋

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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