I'm married girl

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Nobody pov

DEKU was busy packing up his things he wanted to bring his handbag but nobody knew about his secret but danm when he was done he walked  out then he heard someone call him

Deku- kun please wait up please

Oh shit not this bitch though  deku and stop he turned around and fake smiled hello uraraka

Hi uhm  i wanted to tell you something

Sure go ahead uraraka
I like you deku kun please be my boyfriend

Hahahaha hell no haha im sorry but no thank you but bye

Uraraka hurts out in tears and ran to mina to tell her meanwhile deku went to his dorm  he then yelled 22345 all of a sudden bakugo was sprinting towards his room kicked open the door and yelled

Who do i need to to fuck up ! Where tf they at

Bestie danm calm down i  gotta tell you something

After he told bakugo  Kat * bakuhoe nickname  * was dying and was rolling on the floor and then stopped looked at deku and izu * dekus nickname* looked at Kat  and burster out laughing then deku said

Haha bitch calm down we him die from laughing 
Yo I can't haha s- stop that bitch dumb asfhaha

I know hahaha

Then  bakugos phone rang

Kat put his  phone on loud speaker and then said

Hii  baby
Hello pebble i wanted to ask you som'thing
Okay babe ask away
Do yall want to Starbucks and MacDonald or  yall want dominoes or chinese me and todo was on the way home from a meeting

Uhm  me and izu want mc donalds and Starbucks thank you and we have to tell you something when yall get back

Sure pebble we'll  see yall  in a few

Bye bubby
Bye wifey

Aww yall cute said deku to bakugo

I know 😌


When kiri and todo got their they went to midoriya dorm wich looks like  Kat and izu are in one dorm they  wanted to

When kiri and todo got their they went to midoriya dorm wich looks like  Kat and izu are in one dorm they  wanted to

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They knocked on the door and entered and saw their wife's wearing

They knocked on the door and entered and saw their wife's wearing

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Baddie deku and katsuki Where stories live. Discover now