Chapter One: Thirteen and Eleven

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"Elle? Sweetheart, are you ready?" My dad's deep voice thundered up the stairs. He sounds eager to send me off on a flying deathtrap. "Yeah, I'm heading your way now." I replied before closing my bedroom door, just had to have one more look at my bed. "I'll miss you most." I whispered to my California king, then headed for the waiting limousine. "Bye old man. Don't burn the house down while I'm gone." I said to him as the limo was pulling away.

    Once the plane landed in California I quickly found my next limo driver waiting for me with all my luggage. "I'm Elle Calaway." An awkward silence. "I thought you were eleven years old?" He asked confused as he noticed my height, not believing an eleven year old could be five foot seven. "Listen,  I'm going to be late for my orientation,  let's go." Growing up in a wrestling household, I knew the importance of being on time. By the time we had arrived I had learned that I was a day early. Giving me an entire day to settle in before the rest of the students showed up. After signing in at the office, collecting my room key and map with weekly schedule, the secretary introduced me to another student that was a year ahead of me to show me around the campus. "So, how old are you Miss Calaway?" He asked me as we wandered aimlessly around the school grounds. "Eleven." I said under my breath, hoping he didn't hear me but he did. "How old are you, Armand?" I asked him as I looked him over. "Armie, please. And I'm 13." I could listen to his voice forever. He was a tall and mature thirteen year old with the voice of a grown man. I can honestly say it made me absolutely melt, but that wasn't my style. Growing up behind the scenes of WWE taught me how to play it super cool as well. I walked everywhere as if I were strutting up to the ring like so many of the diva's from my childhood. Casually trying to make him want more, and it surprisingly worked.

 By the next day I had memorized every inch of the campus and managed to join the gymnastics team. Shortly after they made me team captain because of my slender frame and natural ability to make my body do anything imaginable. Even though I stuck to myself,  there was always this looming feeling that I was being watched. It took me a whole three and a half months to not only discover my mysterious stalker but to end up agreeing to a date with him. That was never my intention, so I tried my best to be aloof and mysterious. Maybe he will lose interest. 

"So, Elle. Why did you decide to come to this school?" He asked inquisitively as he pulled a large blanket out of his messenger bag and draped it on the deep green grass that blanketed the entire courtyard. We both laid side by side staring up at the celestial sky above us. "Well, I've been skipped ahead because I was getting bored. Apparently, there is a great program here to help me graduate within the year." I finished at that, getting up and walking to my dorm before lights out. "Elle, where are you going?" I never turned back to look at his chiseled face,  I knew if I did then I would never want to leave. I reached my private dorm room to find a dozen pink roses with a small jewelry box beside them on my bed. The note attached read:


   I hope tonight won't be the last I have, graced with your endless beauty. From this night forth, I will never forget the small moment of seeing the Stardust shining in your pale green eyes. Until we meet again.


   I inhaled the scent of the flowers as I opened the thin box, carefully removing the silk, pink ribbon that was neatly wrapped around it. "Tiffany's?!" I said aloud to myself in complete shock. Tell me he bought me something from Tiffany's. Inside the silk lined box was a white-gold bracelet, completely set with diamonds. I just sat and stared at this gorgeous piece of jewelry, not quite sure how to react. So I did what any girl would do in my position and called Jena, my sister for all intensive purposes.

"Hey, it's me! I hope I'm not calling at a bad time."
"Nope, just laying in bed. What's up?"
"You will NEVER guess what happened."

   I went on and on that night giving her every little detail I could remember. When the morning came, I knew something was off,  not necessarily wrong just off. The whole dorm was silent, then I realized that everyone had went home for Christmas break. I wandered around the campus in my pajama pants, tanktop and big fuzzy slippers. "Now tell me the cafeteria workers didn't leave too." I said aloud, trying to give myself a little hope. "Sorry Stardust. They did in fact leave. However I'm also staying here for the holidays." He smiled at me but his eyes kept focusing on my lips. "Bummer." I replied nervously before walking away in defeat. Retreating back to my room I discovered a few minor differences. For one I didn't remember putting up and decorating a 12 foot tall Christmas tree, let alone buy and wrap all the variously sized gifts underneath. The sight alone made me hyperventilate, throwing me into the bowels of a panic attack. 

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