Chapter Fourteen

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~Silas's POV~

The blonde aggele from Ashley Waters was not someone that I had thought of in quite some time.

When we were at that school there had been so much going on that after she had distanced herself from me, I didn't think much more about her. Sure, she was beautiful. Someone I could definitely see myself with, but I was a sixteen year old boy at the time. I was all about proving myself as a valuable member of my team and not looking to settle down into a relationship with a girl I didn't know. Not that relationships are easy while in the Academy. Several of us have tried over the years, but it becomes too much. The girl usually gets upset with us being gone all the time and cancelling dates at the last minute. To be honest, finding someone to put up with our hectic schedules didn't seem possible so we'd given up hope of ever finding a girl to settle down with and start a family.

Kota and Sean had been the exception to those rules. Though at the time I didn't realize the reasoning behind Kota's reluctance to be set up with someone. We all thought eventually he'd get over whatever had happened all those years ago, but he held on to hope. It wasn't until Sean started seeing his new girl that the idea of starting a family even crossed my mind again. We've been slowing down on our missions since we no longer need so many favors. Looking at Sang and the way my brothers are looking at her, I know things are only going to get more complicated from here.

Greeks are known to be flirtatious. Especially the males.

Sang is just as beautiful as she had been back then. Even more so now. She's filled out more, probably from becoming a mother and gaining curves in the process. Yet looking into her eyes you can tell the years haven't exactly been easy on her. She had the same look in high school. It isn't as bad as it had been then, but it still resides within them. It looks as though this ordeal with Kota and the Academy took its toll on her, on top of her already dreadful life.

I can't imagine the amount of horror this poor woman has had to face in her short life.

What reasoning did the Academy have for separating Sang from Kota? Especially when they have a child together. We are supposed to be about family first, yet everything about this situation screams the opposite. Is there something more sinister at play here? Or have we been putting our trust into an organization that holds secrets from those that it demands so much from?

My eyes track their way back to Sang as she looks between Kota and Sean. Hers are asking so many questions and her teeth are worrying her bottom lip. Jameson is still sandwiched between Kota and Sean, never releasing his hold on either, while his eyes track his mother's. The relationship between mother and child is clear to see. They love each other fiercely and are in tune with one another's emotional state. It's beautiful to witness. Yet, my heart breaks for what he has had to endure. No one wishes ill will upon a child. And while he has had his mother's unconditional love for all these years, missing another half of you is just as heartbreaking. Especially when I know the circumstances surrounding the separation. Kota has searched for this aggele for the last several years, only to realize more was taken from him than just the love of his life.

Gabe, as usual, is the one to break the silence that has descended upon the group.

"So what the fuck happens now?"

Isn't that the million dollar question.

Sang looks up from where her eyes have fallen to her hands in her lap. She's been twisting them together in nervousness.

"I'm not sure." Her voice trails off before she straightens her back and looks each of us in the eye before starting once more. "When I first met Sean, I didn't connect the dots to him being a part of the group from my old high school. I knew he was an Academy member because my momma hired him for the hospital and it makes sense to have someone who understands the particular situations patients find themselves in. I wanted to keep my distance from him, for personal reasons, but he wouldn't allow that to happen. Heck, I didn't put up much of a fight because of whatever connection is between us. It wasn't until this moment that the dots connected. I had wanted to take his Japanese class, but wasn't allowed due to credits and whatnot, plus he wasn't around the school as much as you guys. I'm assuming because he was an actual doctor and was needed at the local hospital. All I know is that at this moment, things are crazy, but I can't give Sean up."

Her eyes flick first to Sean and a smile blossoms across both of their faces before she turns to Kota and a guarded look enters her eyes just as she states her next words. "But I have loved Kota for the last six years. He is the father of my child. My first friend. My first lover. He is everything I had ever wanted growing up and when he became a reality, I was done for. There will never be a time when he is not a place in my heart." Tears form along her lower lashline and I realize that Kota has tears slipping from his as well. "However, I have no idea what that means for the three of us. Four, including Jameson. I know I will not deny Kota knowing his son, but whatever happens from here will need to be decided by the three of us. We need to have an in-depth conversation about how to proceed. I'm open to some suggestions."

No one speaks as we contemplate what she has just said. To me, it sounds like she wants both Kota and Sean. While that isn't exactly a new concept within the Academy, it isn't one that we have ever thought of for ourselves. We are entirely too different, too diverse, to all hold the attention of one bird. Yet, as I gaze at Sang once more, I feel like that assessment isn't quite true anymore.

Is she willing to add more to her little harem? Was that something she would consider being open for suggestion?

Only time will tell how this will all play out. And I have all the time in the world.

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