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My name if your wondering is Taylor, Taylor Payne. In my sixteen years of life, you could say I have experienced it all. At a young age I had to grow up. There wasnt much time for dreaming and living care free. Now when i reflect on my childhood, i can see how it turned me into who i am today.

I currently live with my mother and her wife. Yes im the daughter of a lesbian, Come on leeezbehonest. I have a baby sister named Aaliyah who lives with us. My mother's wife Shey has a daughter named Dejah. Yes I know what your thinking, all of these females in one house can Only Lead To Trouble. Thats not even the half of it.

We currently live in the town of nobodies. Augusta, Georgia. Yeah I asked the same question when my mom told me where I would be living. Little did i know that place who have such a impact on me.

Well i think you know everything you need to know. Hope you enjoy.


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