Chapter 3 - Ed

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Chapter 3 - Ed.

"Your eyes look like coming home." - Everything Has Changed

- Ed's POV -

I stare at the sea, watching it wash back and forth, back and forth across the sand that looked almost pure white in the moonlight. My guitar case was next to me, and I leaned my elbow on it, and my head on the palm of my hand. Some of the anger from earlier had disappeared, but a flicker of it still remained, mixed in with betrayal and hurt; a deadly cocktail of feelings.

I was sitting on a ledge which belonged to a beach shelter, my legs dangling off the edge of it. If I jumped - it was about half a meter drop - it wouldn't do me any damage. I was tempted to go down, to get nearer the ocean, which was still washing back and forth, a soothing rhythm.

I made my mind up and hopped down, landing with a dull thump on the soft, silky sand. I took my shoes off, and hid them behind some driftwood to keep them safe. I began walking towards the sea, my guitar slung over my back. I savored the feel of the sand between my toes, the sound of the almost silence - just me, and the waves. When I reached the edge of the waves washing back and forth I stopped, my head bent as I looked at the white waves wash across my toes. The water was cold, but I didn't mind. It was quite soothing really; it relieved me of some of my anger, slowly and gently sucking it away.

I breathed deeply, the salty air filling my nose. I felt inspired, so I turned away from the waves and strode towards semi-dry land - the sand was dry, but damp enough to not get in every nook and cranny there is. I sat down, and took my guitar out of its case. I strummed absentmindedly for awhile, until a set sequence with the chords came to mind, and I tried that out, humming along to it.

I tried to make a few words come out of it, but to not much success. I wanted to remember this melody, to keep it for another day. So I took the pen out of my hoodie and carefully wrote it down on my arm, pulling the sleeve securely over the inked skin. I put the pen away and picked my guitar up again, looking around the beach.

A figure standing at the edge of the sea about 50 meters to my right caught my eye, and I stared at her for a moment. I wondered what was her story; what brought her to the beach at this late at night. Her hair was flying in the wind, and her head was tilted slightly, her eyes staring out at the sea. Slightly curious, I turned my attention back to my guitar, and started playing 4 chords to one of my favorite songs. I hummed it gently, then sang the chorus.

"Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you, over again.

Don't make me change my mind."

I really let my voice rip, letting it flow in the air, and anyone who was near me would easily hear it.

"I won't live to see another day, I swear it's true.

Cause a girl like you is impossible to find,"

I sang, looking out into the ocean, enjoying the sounds of the guitar accompanying my voice. To sing was to feel free, to be free. I didn't sing in public though, not yet. This was about as public as I've ever been. I was still singing the second verse when I became aware of footsteps to my right, and the figure from earlier sat herself down about 10 meters away from me. I could see her from the corner of my eye; she hugged her knees to her chest, her eyes focused on the ocean. I was still singing, maybe a little softer than I was singing just now. When I reached the second chorus however, my voice wasn't the only one singing.

"Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you, over again. Don't make me change my mind.

Or I won't live to see another day, I swear it's true. Cause a girl like you is impossible to find."

Her voice was quiet, but it blended with mine, her harmonies almost perfect. I smiled a little at how cool it felt, how right. The words came to life right before my eyes, our voices entwining and melding.

It was like magic.

"So breathe in so deep, breathe me in. I'm yours to keep.

So hold on to these words cause talk is cheap.

And remember me tonight, when you're asleep."

I stopped strumming, then slowly began strumming, soft at first, then gradually becoming louder as I built up to the final chorus.

"Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you, over again." I let my voice soar, reverberating before being lost in the ocean wind. She sang along with me, her voice knowing the exact notes to sing to fit mine perfectly. She never missed a beat, never sang a wrong note.

She was magical.

The song ended way too soon, and I turned my head to look at her.

"Hello," I said softly, taking her in.

She had soft-looking, long rich brown hair, reaching down to her waist and was the color of freshly roasted chestnuts. Her features were delicate, her nose and ears small, but her eyes were big, with long eyelashes.

She was beautiful. Not model beautiful, skinny and long and sharp; she possessed a natural beauty, almost as if it was completely accidental.

"Hi." she said, but didn't turn to look at me. Her speaking voice was soft, but not shy. There was a hidden note of confidence/hostility, almost if she didn't trust anyone; as if everyone was out to get her.

"That's some voice you got there." I said, wanting her to turn her head, to look at me.

"You're not so bad yourself." she said, eyes still fixed on the ocean.

I leaned my chin on the body of my guitar, still looking at her.

"I'm Ed."

"Beccah." she said, and she turned her head slightly, the corner of her lip lifting upwards in a crooked smile.

I smiled back, and turned back to look at the ocean.




lol hey, sooo do you like this chapter? it's long so yay a point for me! HA AHA HA

I have a physics test tmr and I'm writing this when I should be studying see this is how much I love you guys.

ANYWAY, gotta go study now, hope I dont fail.

(( if I do I'm blaming it on you guys. Jokes. But seriously. ))


ily all xx

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