Fighting the monster

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Malikai growls: Sibs, transform in our savage forms!

Malikai transforms into a dragon, Ludel transforms into a dragon too, Tops transforms into a big rabbit, Tigs transforms into a rat, Jason transforms into a wereweasel, Morty transforms into a monster weasel, Rocky transformed into a crocodile, Pentol transformed into a raven, Axelle transformed into a jackal, Tina transformed into a mongoose and Zanobia transformed into a brown fox*

The monster growls hungrily as it sees the pregnant Arabella and runs fast to kill and eat her

Malikai tail smacks the monster to the wall*

Malikai: Blitzo, get Arabella back to the castle and lock the door!

Blitzo- Got it.

Blitzo grabs her hands and leaves but Monster recovers and runs at them again

Rocky bites his leg and throws him*

Monster roars in pain and bites down on his tail

Tops bunny kicked the monster to the rock wall*

Rocky: Thanks bro!

Tops: No problem.


Monster growls and slashes Jason's eye

Jason heals his eye: Nice try! *bites his arm*

Tigs bites the monster's other arm*

Pentol pecks the monster's head*

Ludel: Bite it hard! *bites the monster's leg*

The monster yells and scratches his nose

Ludel heals his nose*

Tina bite's the monster's other leg*

Zanobia scratched it's back*

Monster yells and pounces hard onto Zanobia and goes to bite her neck

Malikai talk smacks his face hard*

Tops headbutt the monster to the ground*

Tigs injected the syringe in the monster to make it limp*

The monster started wearing out and collapses

Malikai picks it up: Have a nice flight freak! *throws it in the air and throws it far away*

Axelle: Whooo!

Jason: That's what you get bitch!

Morty looks at the poor wolf*

The poor wolf lays dead.

Morty: Can't we fix this poor wolf?

They looked

Tigs: Well, I'll see what me and SkekTek could do with it in the lab.

Tina- Let's go.

As they made it back, the boys see their wives , blushing , smiling lovingly , and have heart shaped eyes as they sighed dreamily and saw their savage forms

Morty sadly holds the dead wolf*

Lupe snaps out of it and walks over to him.

Lupe- The monster killed it ?

Morty nodded yes*

Lupe- Come on. Let's go heal her.

Lupe leaves with her husband as the wives stayed lovestruck by the savage forms.

Tatyana- Hubba hubba~

Cherry- Vava voom~

Axelle, Zanobia and Tina came in with their savage forms*

Macavity- Hello beautiful~

Ladykiller- Hubba hunna~

Zahn- Homina homina homima~

Zanobia: Hey honey.

Axelle: Hey darling.

Tina: Miss me?

Macavity- Hell yeah !!

Zahn- You all looked nice in your savage forms

Tina: Thanks honey.

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